Grimace is a Butt Plug

Yessss. Battlezone 2 was great! Had a pretty weird story too. Looking forward to this.

This makes me feel like I’m watching one of those nature documentaries where the lion is about to kill the cute baby gazelle, but you have to remind yourself that this is the natural order of things and you cannot interfere.

“Why not sell kids candy cigarettes again? Those are totally safe and won’t lead to them having a desire to try smoking later on in life.” - said no one ever except industry shills.

You people suck. Whine more about having more reasons to play as Nazis and seeing things from a Nazi perspective. “But muh good Nazis!” - you people, probably.

I don’t get why this isn’t done more often. I can think of one other hit game that had a sequel that was basically a graphical upgrade: Starcraft. There was nothing revolutionary about Starcraft 2. Everything just looked better, felt better, was sharper, smoother. People still loved it because it hit them right in the

If you’re one to judge things as a whole, maybe. There are tons of devs who worked on Battlefront 2 that honestly wanted to make a good game. The SP campaign is a good game, and even provides new official canon material. Totally worth $3.24 to me. Would I pay more than that? No way in hell.

Or you can just pay $3.24 to rent it from a Redbox and beat the SP campaign in a day. Is that too much money nowadays?

When looking for episodes of this show, be careful about googling for Ponygirls. You were warned.

Setting a pile of money on fire gets you the same end result as giving your money to a stripper. Burning a pile of money is also less likely to put you in a state of unfulfilled arousal. Does anyone actually leave strip clubs happy? Seems like it’s a terrible business model built on parting stupid people from their

Yup. Microsoft will most of the time make one exception for you. Before they do they review your account for a history of refunds, adding/removing credit cards, or other activity that generally looks shady. If you pass, you’ll get your refund. If you try the same thing again within a year, you likely won’t. I’ve heard

Tell them your kid made the purchases without your authorization. You’ll get your money back, especially if you’re dealing with Microsoft.

I usually buy anything and everything Star Wars, but I will not buy this. At best, I will rent it from Redbox to play the single player campaign.

Edgy. mentally balanced person does this anyway but good job yelling it into an echo chamber to make yourself feel better or something? Jesus christ, man.

The place where hitler lives is an Aerodrome/Floating city above the clouds. You go down to the surface later but you have a special pressure suit. It irked me more that the trip to Venus is somewhat instant.

40 hours EACH?? lmao yeah fuck this game.

The ACA is a complicated thing, and it has never had the chance to be tweaked and adjusted like Social Security and Medicare have. Your situation sucks, but the blame rests solely on Republicans who would rather you choke on insane premiums than do anything to control them.

You’d get a civil war that way. And you’d start in a real shitty position since the other side has most of the guns. You down to shed blood for your beliefs, brother? The other side is itching for reasons to use all those guns they’ve stocked up on.

It’d be great to ban all guns, but that would lead to civil war. It wouldn’t be a very good civil war either...because, you know, the other side has all the guns.

Makes sense. Sort of like how they make the Fast & Furious movies. They film all the hardcore gay sex first, then edit it out before release.