

That wouldn’t make sense. Walls are used in all parts of society for safety and security.

You sound retarded. Are you?

I re-read this like 5 times and i still think it needs editing. But I still think I could be missing something.

or if it weren’t a sucker hit on him... it wouldn’t have happened. I bet the kid wouldn’t go toe to toe with him, just a cheap shot. Cowardly.

Well give it a week, then we’ll hear there were some racial slurs involved, which completely justifies violence. Love that message.

Yeah there are no rich democrats who like to hide their yachts in other states to avoid taxes lol.

go royals and rock chalk

Anyone who thinks anybody from the rest of the GOP field would do a better job is terribly uneducated. I am sure Rick Santorum would lead us to greatness lol.

You’re real sick, chubs.

On their broom! Sweep!

Very true. Damned either way. If you have it, one of your 2 best teams gets a loss they wouldn’t have if you didn’t have it. If you don’t have it, you have no true champion and you get those stories.

Rock Chalk baby. Things are about to turn around this year, get yo popcorn!

Either way, if you are a grown man in a fight and you lose an earing, you lost the fight.

Like what? Lighting the white house rainbow colors? The supreme court made the judgement. Obama hiring a dumbass position a year before he leaves office is hardly progress. It’s almost a sympathy call up from the minors.

Yeah that’s why he’s accomplished so little. Since day 1 he’s been a lame duck...

This is the dumbest hire ive heard of.


This lawsuit is an attack on America. This woman is a traitor and a coward and should be ostracized from society.

“Reporting on an ongoing investigation is tricky in the best of times, and when it involves alleged sexual assault, it requires an added level of propriety.”