
More insecure liberals... sad.

Is that the going rate for an aborted fetus where you come from?

Donaldson was being a baby! If you want to set up in the strike zone, be ready to get a few balls that scare you. Don’t act tough then cry when a ball gets too close to you.

No, the blue jays were hit once after the warning...

If you start the at bat with your hands in the strike zone, it’s not a brush back... It’s a strike.

Yeah he gets brushed back bc his hands start out in the strike zone...

Go Royals

My guess is that 98% of people who like this song voted for Barack. Based on demographics and statistics...

right? so so bad.

Perhaps some day we should encourage folks to not cook crack with their stripper girlfriends.

Not sure why anyone would want to join the pac 10

...they had one before the conference re-allignment happened.

Everyone “contacted” everyone during this time period. This is a recycled story. That period of time was a cluster of bad decisions using bad information.

Elect someone against public funding for stadiums. These guys don’t have life long terms...

I want to see the 2 bullpens intercept each other mid outfield and see who really is ready to brawl.

Does it not go without saying that the Jags suck regardless of the year?

Go Royals

What a monster he is for pointing out obvious facts.

Like our current ambassadors to foreign nations that Obama appointed? Good buddies, good donors, good jobs.

Anyone appalled by this should probably take a close look at Obama’s ambassadors to foreign countries.