
Good Lord! They're going to make Pluto a dinosaur?!!?! That is indeed profound news.

Brontosaurii are back to being real dinosaurs so I'm holding out hope for pluto

Pluto gives no damns about our naming conventions.

Both Brad Torgersen (the current person running the Puppies slate) and Larry Correia (the inventor of it) have explicitly said that they think too many diverse characters in a book makes it inherently political. Their calls for sci-fi to go back to the "good old days" is problematic when you consider who, exactly, was

Another post on io9 that has the quote is linked in this article. The quote is from Chip Delany:

This was the blog post that convinced me that these guys are simply pulling shit out of their asses as far as "how it was in the good old days."

Seriously. I nominate and vote independent of what the internet says so I'm only minimally aware of these folks. But in poking around about them, I'm automatically annoyed by anyone who regularly and seriously refers to/blames things on "social justice warriors." It utterly de-legitimizes an argument as coming from

BEST EDITOR (SHORT FORM) (870 ballots)

Actually, it's about ethics in science fiction awards.

I personally think it's disgusting this campaign was so successful and I hope the Hugo Awards do more next year to prevent this rigging from happening. People who lose their shit about two women on Korra holding hands or have their boxers in a bunch because women, LGBT and people of color have "invaded" their white,

My sister works in a hospital, as a doctor. She gets called nurse ALL THE TIME, despite the white coat. I keep telling her to go all Dr. Evil on them, but she just rolls with it. She’s nicer than me.

Oh, the fucking handshakes! I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to shake hands with a man in a business context without him stopping to say some condescending shit like “Oh ho ho, what a firm grip you have!” like I’m a particularly clever toddler who just demonstrated she knows how to use a light-switch. For older guys

When you meet people for the first time and they shake everyone in the group’s hand but yours because you are the only woman. Legit they drop the last man’s hand, look at me and then smile and nod. OHHOHOHOHOFUCK THAT I just stick my hand out obnoxiously and wait until they get uncomfortable and have to shake it. And

I think we can safely say that it’s both.

Hooters isn’t sexism, it’s a travesty against humanity.


When I read the words "baby building broth" I think of something a LOT different that what is at the link...

I am honestly so fucking sick of everyone acting like Autism is the ultimate evil. It is a (usually) fairly mild neurodevelopmental disorder. I realize that it isnt always easy, but that doesnt mean that people within the autism spectrem arent still people and are plenty able to go living happy, functional lives. It