Emily Richard

It’s just a disappointing decision. Pokemon is literally the biggest entertainment franchise in all of media. Every entry sells millions of copies, many over 10 million copies. It’s not like GameFreak is spending dev time working on amazing graphics, or massive open worlds, or complex physics and interactions, or

Fair point. God damn do I wish these big publishers weren’t run by management who only chase the latest monetization fad. Diversify, god dammit.

Nice try, Stephen. But this is clearly a fake article to cover up your very real article about beating women in video games being rape.

Homeless drifter comes in from the woods, hides in the attic, tries to hide in the shed, at some point gets discovered in the barn, kills that person, kills subsequent ppl who come looking, kills everyone to cover it up, sees no need to rush off into the cold right away, has a goodnight sleep and a hearty meal and