
Also, isn't there a misquote of Yoda? He says "there is another", rather than mention an "other one"?

I challenge, sirrah! Val Venis — check the tape. He might not sport the limberness of an RVD, but dude would, for everybody, plant himself mid-DDT for a brief, no-arms headstand vertical press. No matter who gave it to Val, it was the best DDT of his life; always perfectly hard-camera side, too.

I agree with your premise and conclusion. A good way to measure fame, in this context, would be to ask non-fans, and the Stunner is probably tops. But, what with these youngin's and their internet, the RKO is rising fast. Might be fun to see generational splits on this nonsense!

Your first sentence is the most ridiculous on the whole thread!

They gave his daughter a TV show.

You guys!

Too far!

That's hard to say!

Best Jericho ever was clearly having fun, calling out "Stinko" Malenko, Chris BenoiT (with the hard "t"), and (my personal favorite) "Ron" Mysterio.

They made an SNES game? That stuns me.

But that could be sludge metal….


Repeat in every major metro area in the contiguous US and you have 1996, yes.


"choads"? My spell-check wants "chodes"…

His initial response to the Simpsons question now has me reevaluating my feelings towards him, because that is correct.

Us, Kansas City, Tallahassee — only the classiest, most sophisticated locales…

Was in section 208 for last night's show. Overall, good time. Mixed tag was a great opener. I'm fairly certain all of Phillips Arena bolted for concessions the second Strowman's music hit, and upon returning to my seat I was informed that the Shining Stars had done something—so, that couldn't have gone better. To

Well, that's unkind.

re: "the crowd who will do that 'tomahawk' gesture because of sports"