
My mom had a Dodge Ram pickup about 15 years ago and it is the only vehicle that I have run out of gas while driving. The thing only went a couple of miles after the light came on. I was scolded quite a bit for running out of gas. A couple of weeks later the same thing happened to my mom. She apologized for scolding

You made a general statement that the headphone jack is outdated. I am simply telling you that it isn’t.

Oh sorry, I’m in video production and just about every video camera has them for audio monitoring. Even the newest models.

How is it outdated? It is a nearly ubiquitous piece of technology.

Is there really a reason to do away with the headphone jack? It is a simple, ubiquitous piece of technology but Apple says screw that, they want a proprietary connection that they charge a bunch of money for and that doesn’t work with anything else. Sigh. It makes the iPhone a little thinner. Great.

This right here is precisely why people are going to hate self-driving cars. People want the control of changing lanes when they feel like it and going marginally faster than anyone else. Yes, this causes bad traffic and yes, self-driving cars will eliminate it. However, this feeling of being driven around by their

I sympathize. Reading other stories like this really hits me since I have had a similar experience with my mother. She was a lifelong Democrat until 9/11 and it was all downhill from there. Our relationship is very strained now. I realized years ago that political discussions quickly get personal, so I began to avoid

There are plenty of jerks that think they are better than everyone else and use the open lane to zoom up to the front and cut in line. I hate them just like everyone else does.

What are they being charged with? They were using an open lane to merge in to a different open lane.

If law enforcement should be doing it then what would the charges be? The asshole zooming up to merge at the front is not breaking any laws.

If you are not a Police officer then you should absolutely not be doing this. Nothing gives you the right to block an open lane of traffic. You are part of the problem, and in many cases, the cause of it.

Planes fly high in the air where there is plenty of room for error and plenty of time to make adjustments. They do not fly in narrow lanes surrounded by other vehicles on all sides. If planes in operated in heavy traffic the way cars do then autopilot would be seriously discouraged.

Could you imagine the firestorm in the U.S. if a singer changed the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner to make a political statement of any kind? There would be absolute hell to pay. This guy is lucky he is Canadian.

It just makes sense that this guy is driving a lifted Excursion. I don’t think less of lifted vehicles and their drivers as I am an off-road enthusiast myself. A lifted Excursion is a different matter though. I refer to guys that drive these giant lifted trucks as Road Bullies, and they typically live up to the name.

have fun! I’m doing either Kingston Peak or Rollins Peak East myself.

Man, that split second right before combustion where you can see the crew members realizing what just sprayed all over them.

Removing the foreskin is similar to removing the labia though. It would be like leaving the clitoris completely exposed at all times. Speaking as someone who is not circumcised the difference would not be marginal. I don’t know how circumcised guys stand it.

That is not correct. In the United States male circumcision definitely became popular because it was thought that it would keep young boys from masturbating. Over time, other reasons such as health and cleanliness were made up to justify it.

Sheesh, people still bring that one up without understanding what really happened and what amount she was actually awarded.

Good points and I am happy that you brought up those details from Rebels. However, I have some corrections for you.