
This is very interesting, and not what I was expecting. With the upper grille being so narrow, I wonder if the car will retain the halo lamps - this new grille seems too small to house the current ones (which uses the one big implied halo on RS models). Maybe they'll have multiple small halos? I would also expect

Thank you - I can't believe people haven't mentioned music. I need some good tunes. I've also found its a good opportunity to try "that band" your friend has been nagging you to listen to - thats how I first got into Radiohead, now I love 'em.

I'm the opposite in that I refrain from fluids. Aside from the occasional energy drink to keep me alert, I hate stopping to "relieve", especially with how nasty some rest stops have become. Funny thing is, my wife does not - so it pretty much negates anything I do. I'm a bit of a "making good time" nazi, obsessed

He and Chris Harris are some of my favorite car people for their dealings with Ferrari.

Now playing

Fascinating. Its terrible that scammers try this, and even succeed, but people - please exercise caution. Jeepers.

1. Yes, I saw they face each other, but there's no place for the feet to sit, they just dangle into that open space between the seats. Unless you have crazy long legs...

2 Questions:

I think they're trying to minimize overall change the first year so smaller teams can still compete. Many people have pointed out there are minor differences between some classes, but adjusting them may prove costly or difficult up front. After a few seasons I bet they'll do some merging.

My thoughts exactly. I'm a biotic hammer myself, ALL FORCE BABY. Why would I need two charges? So I can stare at the other one, surrounded by dead enemies? Actually, not a bad idea...

Did not know a brain freeze could cause your right foot to fully extend and your arms to jerk to the right.



Looks to have as much in common with a real FR-S as [insert drastic outlandish comparison here].

The dynamics of the three presenters is the best part of the show, why would they tamper with that? Silly, silly I say! Plus, they have the STIG, who transcends gender, race, and species, so there's no need to add someone one for political correctness.

This is exactly what I thought of, knew someone would get to it first. Amazing stuff. I can't imagine driving on gravel with slicks is the best thing for traction, but he made it work.

Agreed. Banned right away, but awesome none the less.

Try it, I say. If it works, awesome. If it doesn't, cancel it, people will forget quickly. 450hp (minimum) is already a LOT of power for a 3k pound car - something with around or slightly below 400 will still perform amazing in a straight line, and meet the needs of daily drivers would like to floor it every once

Not a huge fan of top up. This is my main qualm against convertibles: the soft-top ruins the profile of the car. At least with the new 911, the roof maintains most of the hardtop shape, and doesn't look like a tent.

SLS - Exhaust note. Touring comfort. BAM.

Maybe its the front end, but somebody pulled too far forward when parking it at the studio, chipping the CF. Everyone was there ready to go and they thought "Meh."