I want to star you, but firefox had recently done something that doesn’t let stars stick.
I want to star you, but firefox had recently done something that doesn’t let stars stick.
Yes, send her to jail like we did with the entire W Bush administration. I remember it clearly. The conservative public, upon learning that the Iraq war was started under false pretenses, marched on mass to the Whitehouse and demanded the arrest of Bush. Cheney and Rummy in cuffs doing the perp walk is something I…
Captain Sullenberger recommends Canada geese for their effectiveness.
You do know that there actually are radical Buddhists who practice terrorism against other religious groups, right?
And everyone who thinks Obama is a pussy.
Not to mention the 2 America class ‘carriers’ that had to be built for the Marine Corps, at a price that is 50% more than an honest to god Nimitz class carrier. `The Naval service (as well as the Air Force) are doing a piss poor job of managing their money on equipment, despite record high levels of defense funding.
There’s so much wrong here:
Given the insane plan conservatives have had to do everything possible to fight Obama on everything since Day 1 of his first term, it’s difficult to believe the deal was a bad one. Especially since every other country but one is happy with it. And Israel doesn’t count given how dickish they’ve been acting.
Excellent as always. Makes my day when I can sit down and dig into one if your great long articles.
Especially in Saudi Arabia’s case— ISIS has made it perfectly clear that one of it’s goals is the deposing of the ruling Saud family, and the obliteration of Mecca, as the site is against their beliefs on religious symbolism.
What’s your favorite color car, Andy?
Well good thing you’re on Foxtrot Alpha (you can tell this by looking at the URL and it clearly reads: FoxtrotAlpha.jalopnik.com/ )and we like things that deal with Military matters. Usually American military matters..... The Americans know how to add DRAMA into everything.
LOL Standing on the deck of a ship with a MANPADS is not winning anything but the paranoia contest.
Religious extremists are dangerous, yes, and I doubt anybody’s suggesting that we be more welcoming and accepting of them. The problem is that it’s hard to determine who’s an extremist and who’s not because people can lie, so barring costly background checks that are sure to miss the people who’ve been careful (the…
Wonderful! In true American political fashion vague promises and questionable logic words are spouted in the biggest popularity contest of them all.
Hah! I appreciate that!!