
HD filming and viewing has pottentially stunted my appreciation for classic videography. I fear the only solution is to gas one of these lovely ladies up and get some super HD footage of one pulling these kind of antics.

I'd be saving each and every one of the incoming #s. When all this blows over as a hoax by some moron then repeated as "news" by agencies who can't make sure their stories are factual (as is already seeming to be the case) I'd call every one of em back and demand apology

I nominate it for the best of the Lotus that never was

as a Virginia resident I dont see what the big deal is. Admittedly I live in the south west part of the state which is a lot more tolerant than the Northen parts (NoVa around DC) and the tidewater area (RRichmond and east) If you don't want to end up with a RD ticket in VA either a) don't drive here or b) don't drive

In this case of the fuel temperature parameters the symptomatic flaw in the airframe can hopefully be remedied with time and money and the systemic flaw in the program of...well theres a lot to discuss there...and you've done a pretty comprehensive job pointing those out in your articles on the subject. Those can't be

Great article. I read every one you post on here. To those replying to it in "my dick is bigger because I can yell louder and use worse language to call people names" your internet skills leave something to be desired. Yes the article is critical against the F-35 and the program running it but it is a subject which

anti-maritime? Oh man would I love to watch some 'Hogs tearing ships apart. Actually ... I like watching A-10s blowing up just about anything.

so beautiful even the spare tire looks amazing under the glass too

yesa! any more post like this will be a welcome addition to my autoblog reading (viewing) pleasure. Excuse me I need to uh... Go... Umm mount and balance something.

a10 and f22. One for fast and high stuff and one for the low and slow stuff.

so... Bombs come out of those holes? Oh the analogies I could make about someones day going to shit.

on a completely unrelated fantasy sidetrack. . . .I want to put this in the back of a Chrysler Town and Country with the power opening rear tail gate. Evil super villain soccer mom style.

I'd say you're right. Looks like some form of the 4g5 Astron motor.

I like how this plane room has 5 toilets,3 beds and a hopscotch board

the beautiful wood veneer flanked by the giant black dull plastic swaths looks horrible and out of place. Come on Bentley, would it have been that hard to veneer over them?

there's one in March Field Air Museum in Riverside CA as well

I'm not sure of the distance between MH17 and the Ukrainian SU-27 that is shown but looking at their image the SU-27 should be close enough to visually identify that the aircraft it was engaging was a civilian airliner in Malaysian Airlines livery? Wasn't it part of the Russian spin that Ukraine shot a plane down that

Does Eric Clapton's Ferrari get grandfathered in under this exemption?

I'm going to disagree with you on the the Porsche. There is no way that this