

You are forgetting about Beige Cardigan (aka Jessica Anteby).
Equally guilty of doing the same exact shit. She basically steals from Fat Jewish and Fuck Jerry and then takes credit for it.

"And without the unreliable narrators of season one, it feels as if True Detective has reached the middle of season two only to start all over again."

I wish the entire show was about Vince Vaughn and his wife trying to have a baby. Because thats why I watch this show.

My reaction after every episode now:

I honestly get depressed watching this show because it's become increasingly clear that it will never remotely compare to the first season. Season 1 was easily one of the best seasons of television I've ever seen. And I never expected season 2 to live up to that. But everything about this show feels different:

mad men. lol

same here. I didn't know what he said until today. All I heard last night:
"Rabble rabble rabble darkness rabble rabble rabble lights rambling."

This series is an instant classic. It's not because of the narrative, the cinematography, or the acting. Albeit, all three are top-notch. More so, it's because of the philosophical truths that are intertwined throughout. This show, aside from entertaining us, made us think. It made us dive-deep. Like reading a book.

This show makes "Girls" look like a student art project starring dime store hookers.