
So you are one of the mental midgets that think if you keep re-electing the same gang members they will eventually all just admit their crimes and go home? Hows that plan working out for you so far?

Party alternatives? What are you smoking? You sound like you think you still live in a democracy. When the Red party refuses to investigate the Blue party when the ABSOLUTELY KNOW THEY ARE GUILTY then you know longer live in a democracy. The founding fathers designed our government to ensure and perpetuate an

Apparently you don’t “get it”. We don’t have a two party system. We have one corrupt government. It makes absolutely no difference which one of the gang leaders are in the White House. NEITHER of them are going to uphold and defend the only laws that allow you to be stupid in public.

I can’t believe Patrick Redford thought this was news worthy, but then again judging by his post title its pretty obvious he probably voted to re-elect pelosi.