
This adds a lot more value to the Zune Pass, which gives you 10 downloads a month. The mp3 files are DRM free (unlike the WMAs), and now I know that my free monthly downloads will be permanent, even if Zune goes belly-up.

@pat18: Or buy a press and make it at home.

@hawkeye18: Much as I dislike Best Buy, this particular instance of bad behavior is on Intel.

@Unholy_Hero: I love Zune Pass — I have a dock attached to my sound system, and I can effectively listen to anything I want any time I want. It's $15 a month, which is steep, but I listen to enough music that I feel like I'm coming out way ahead.

This is the final step before music follows the natural Netflixization of media, and becomes a stream-what-you-want subscription.

I'd say Netflix streaming is more than adequate for 90% of what I want to watch. Television shows and most movies look good enough (and are often being watched on my smaller bedroom set anyway).

Megaton. Next thing you know, Chevrolet is going to stop making peanut butter.

Neat freaks? Or Apple freaks?

@jedi4life: Aaaaaand this is exactly what I scrolled down to find.

@showbiz2: Yeah — keeping Roku flush would have been a bad move. Netflix is positioning itself well, and was wise to make their streaming service a platform rather than a hardware device. Once Google TV invades every living room in America, Roku will be a funny little blip in our technological memory.

@september11th: I agree. There are holes, but it's still an insane selection.

@showbiz2: Roku has a shaky business model. I have a player, and love it, but it's in my bedroom and will only be around until some other device incorporates the technology.

@Pahoo: I never understood the point anyway. May as well defeat it.

@Charliehorse: I think this fails to address the distinction between using the term generically, and using it commercially.

@gavmiller1001: In fairness, I think she was referring to his career and relevance more than his physical age. But point taken.

That's your mistake, John (or Cougar, or whatever you are) — nobody cares if the "music business" is destroyed. It's the music that matters. And it'll do just fine.

@JCulp: It's kind of just been converted to general widgets in 7, but I think you can still set it up as a sidebar if you want. I always thought it looked terribly ugly and clumsy that way.

@CarbonatedFalcon: It's not sold as an e-reader, but I have friends who sold their Kindles to get an iPad, figuring it would do the job well.