
Something tells me this new "golden orb" format will be about as successful as UMD.

When your reputation is already in the toilet, I'm not sure if partnering with an airline is the best idea.

@richardallen01: Oh no — not at all! Smartphones predate Apple by a longshot, and webcams by even longer (this Facetime thing makes me laugh my ass off — I'm sure iPad owners can't wait Apple to invent printing next).

If only they can turn a game into a "Sonic dreamworld."

@Hal: If it were only marketed to make phone calls, I would grant you your point. But since it's marketed — aggressively — as a device that runs software, it is a computer. You want to nitpick and call it a smartphone? Fine. We can play games with sets and subsets, but a smartphone is a computer. But that's not

@ps61318: It's all good — I just don't think it's a good example for reasons I put in my above post. Regional encoding has to do with intellectual property and international trade concerns, and not with some corporate higher-up deciding that some content is inappropriate for viewing.

@siwex80: Restrictions on cars are safety issues, not the arbitrary whim of the manufacturer. You can't just change wheels and engine software because if you don't know what you're doing, you might kill people. But you can certainly paint your car to look like a cow, fill the trunk with jellybeans, or install a

@Hal: That's a very limited view. Phones were meant to make phonecalls... until Apple started selling $500 phones with powerful processors and cameras and retina displays. I agree that old phones did not run programs. I also agree that I cannot make waffles with my ceiling fan.

The rules are clearly spelled out, I think we can all agree.

@tenazrael: In the ocean, I can kind of understand. But clearly this is needed just because that water is borderline toxic.

I mean... I get the point, but...

Am I the only one who sees the resemblance between Blockbuster and this guy?

Great... now I need another new TV and six sets of glasses for when friends come over.

More weird than gross... I love the moment he realizes he won't be able to fix his head without taking his earbuds out.

@FooFighting: It's not demeaning at all to point this out. The use of nets is, at best, dark comedy.

@FooFighting: I agree — it's not trivializing things to say that installing nets is, at absolute best, dark comedy. If they were shooting themselves, would the company have distributed Kevlar helmets?

@TomXP411: Are you referring to my turn of phrase? Or to the coffee? ;)

Very pretty, Braun. Nice job gilding the turd.

Hi, I'm a solution. Have you seen my problem anywhere?