
@spykr: With an exclamation point, nonetheless! Slow news day, apparently.

@Jennacide: That's fantastic — I hope a few of his moves break the fourth wall.

@Laronvas: When it comes to color, there's no such thing as realistic "if seen by the human eye." We cannot predict (or even imagine, really) how our brains would interpret the additional shades of light, or how those new colors would play together.

@greyseal: Oh... and while I thought Mario lost steam with M64 and Sunshine, Galaxy was a work of art and he has rejoined my inner circle.

@Tiller: Definitely this. GX was insane, and gave me great hope for future Nintendo/Sega partnerships that just never materialized.

Mass Effect for sure. Metroid still gets a thumbs-up, and Zelda still has a lot of life even if it's being wasted lately.

@Jonn: It does have an elaborate backstory, but it really isn't woven into the game at all.

@TheIcon2016: When it comes to Halo, both the hate and the love are both grossly overstated.

@Dyson: Man — every time I see anything about Wargames, I immediately want to go play Defcon on my PC.

@AD.Munck with music in his head.: I think the main problem is that the ending might have been fine for any other series, but is completely out-of-character for Kratos. You can't have the protagonist spend three games slaughtering everybody in his path — enemy and innocent alike — and then turn around and turn him

@fdisk: So many excellent games in this series... for me, Link's Awakening is the one that strikes the nostalgia spot. I didn't have a SNES, but Link's first GameBoy adventure was absolutely breathtaking when I played it.

@Narishma: I agree, I just don't get why it's niche as opposed to mainstream. I can't imagine any gamer not loving the hell out of TIE Fighter or Freespace. Clearly the developers abandoned the genre due to lack of widespread interest. It just surprises me that there's a lack of widespread interest in such an

Actually, these remind me a lot of the art that used to be featured in the instruction manuals for old Nintendo games.

@Greg Rassam: It really does stink — I still play Freespace all the time. How did an entire genre just go belly up like that?

@Zero_Beat: I'm not sure that the animations would need to be reprogrammed at all. Look at the God of War collection, which runs at 60fps unlike the originals. It's not like sprites where each frame is drawn individually.

@m0re: That's possible, but still optimistic. Even if Super Mario Universe 3D looks fantastic in 10 years, you can bet good money that Pixar's latest will look a whole lot better.

This is an absurd prediction. The pre-rendered computer graphics used in movies still sit well within the uncanny valley (Beowulf, anyone?). There is no way that real-time console graphics can make up that ground and then exceed them within the next decade.

@Twilight Sea: Seriously — why have that when you can have a crummy toy with only one G&W game?