
@Agumen: Yeah, I'm with you. There were good moments, but the whole was never as great.

My paragon Shepard survived with her entire team intact, but I was sad that I lost some crewmembers.... I was given a sad reminder of Kelly's horrific death when I went up to my quarters and found the fish all dead.

@Agumen: MP1 remains my favorite video game of all time. The sequels were decent, but just treading water after Prime 1.

Mr. O'Brien is probably not reading these anymore, for good reason. But if he is, I'd like to add one more thing to think about.

U2 certainly deserves the acclaim. AC2 was also fantastic (and deserves some kind of award for "most staggering improvement from its predecessor").

@DocSeuss: I think a major part of the difference is that story is not a central feature of a Zelda game. It exists for the play mechanic, so sequels make sense. The improvements are technical, and don't interfere with what came before.

@Lissar: Ha ha - that's awesome. I assume they didn't get any games before because "why would we get any new games when we're already enjoying this one."

@blash: I'm sorry, but Super Mario Galaxy is a better game than Half-Life 2. It just is.

@Mister Jack got an iPod Touch!: Exactly. Selling a game for $150 serves no purpose except to annoy the buyer and make a small short-term profit for the seller. Sure, it's a 300% return on the investment, but when the investment is so small, does it really matter?

@Orionsaint, The Smack, and every other anti-Wii fanboy that is destined to post on this thread:

@wtf_G: To be played on... our new 2160p television sets?

@chauncy that billups: I have and love both, so no fanboyism here. The 360 is still king of this pile, and it isn't just "because of a slightly larger gamer community and left 4 dead 2."

@Mit: Compared to standard posters, they're a bit small, but not too bad. Actually, the one with the different versions of Link would look pretty sweet framed.

@Keni:Would people stop doing this now!!!:: I don't know what it means for the Zune to be "more powerful" than the PSP. It's a device with completely different functions — it's like saying my toaster is more powerful than my blender. Maybe it is in some way, but that's not a useful reference point.

@DrakeDatsun: Are we talking about the same thing? I'm referring to the N64, which in absolutely no way outperformed anything in its generation. All we heard in advance of the N64 release was how it used "the same technology as Jurassic Park," and we ended up with... well... you know what we ended up with.

@houser: Of course they get better — I'm just saying that Nintendo usually over-represents exactly how much better, and the final product is usually less powerful than expected.

@Mit: I got the Zelda posters, and they are surprisingly high quality. They shipped in a heavy-duty cardboard tube, and are printed on pretty heavy stock.

This is nice and all, but I think I'd rather hear that the new DS will be more powerful than its actual competition... not more powerful than another company's media player.