
@Boom-Chicka-Ah: Really? I'm with Witeowl on this one... It's always *possible* that someone is going to say something offensive. But trying to interject in advance before anybody has said anything is actually rude and disrespectful to those around you.

@Communist Pope: Plus, the gift card is likely to have a few points leftover that you can spend later :) #gamestop

@DragonYen: Perhaps I'm alone in this, but I kind of like having leftover MS points... it feels like a discount next time I download something.

@Aklost: This actually worked well for Ghostbusters, the only multi-platform game that I bought on XBox 360 and Wii. The Wii version respected the strengths and weaknesses of the hardware, and succeeded for it. The two versions were sufficiently different that I enjoyed both experiences without anything feeling

Mmmm... need to finish up Muramasa before Uncharted 2 arrives from Amazon on Tuesday.

What a shame. The chicks will probably really dig this until they realize the mistake. #streetfighteriv

@Archaotic: Awwww... I agree it's been a bad year for first-party Nintendo games. But to leave out Punch Out?? One of the best games of the year on any console, bar none. #starfox

@Crash__Man: I have to disagree. Metroid Prime WAS proper Metroid in a different form.

Mmmm... Uncharted 2 + MGS4 = $82.48.

@plasticmouse: Only if Mickey turns into a Weremouse.

@Tremolo-mayan: I need to pull out the Genesis and play that one again. What a fantastic game.

@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: The only correct part of your post is the part that says "we don't know anything about it except that it's on the Wii." The rest is you making foolish assumptions.

@dowingba: So... the fact that it involves comic books makes it like Comix Zone?

@shouryuuken: I liked the way Splosion Man looked when he was hand drawn, but I didn't think they did a very good job realizing it in 3D.

@jayntampa: Waah waah. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of HD, and I love showing off my PS3 and 360. But good looking games are good looking games, and the better Wii games hold their own on any screen.

Metroid Prime... the entire opening sequence was spectacular, and convinced me to buy a 'Cube. From the first landing on the station, piecing together the story as you moved through the infested station, and then the frantic escape... Nintendo at its best.

It always made me sad that the cartoon was considered separate from canon — it was really great. I remember being disappointed when I went to see the second movie and discovered they'd been out of business since the first film, completely invalidating all the adventures I saw on TV.

The other thing omitted is that in-game characters just aren't as emotive as their real-life counterparts, and physical humor just fails.

Controllers like this make me long for the days of X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and Freespace.

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Why did anybody "hate" UMDs? If the game is good, the game is good — I don't care if it's on UMD, a DS card, a DVD, or otherwise. Were they really so much less convenient than any other propriatary video game format?