Yeah, I wanted a metroid dread amiibo set and they sold out instantly everywhere. I’m hoping I can stroll into my local target and grab it on the release day. Definitely annoyed though. Fuck scalpers.
Yeah, I wanted a metroid dread amiibo set and they sold out instantly everywhere. I’m hoping I can stroll into my local target and grab it on the release day. Definitely annoyed though. Fuck scalpers.
Good. I hope this means I can get a reasonably priced GPU either this gen or next.
M4 Pt.2 rocks and is pretty beloved by the community - so much so that there was a lot of disappointment when Faunts didn’t return for the ME2 credits, and Bioware brought them back for the ME3 credits!
I was super hyped by it the first time I finished Mass Effect, it puts me in mind of 80s action movies like Point…
I loved this song then and I love it now. To me it felt like the triumphant wrap up to an epic action movie which fit the tone well
Sounds like you have some issues to work out.
I failed at that my first time, the second run I had to put more thought on how and where I placed every machine. But I also loved that detail, recovering everythin but making sure to not leave anything behind.
This is definitely an aspect that gets ignored a bit in the discussion: this type of shipping typically isn’t done by gay men, it’s done by straight women. And while I don’t have a problem with straight women having their fantasies, I do have a problem with framing it as an LGBT rights/representation issue. It’s like…
Xbox and Generic Racing Game 3453 getting the accolades, just shows that this had definitely been decided before the panel had even seen the Nintendo one, possibly even weeks or months before the event.
We 100% need more gay representation on screen.
Yea, the fans keeping it contained to fanfics isn’t the problem. It’s the fandom erupting with rage when their gay ship isn’t actually canon. If Falcon and/or Bucky actually get into a relationship with a female character, that actress, doesn’t matter who, WILL be harassed endlessly and probably sent death threats…
Counterpoint: fans can be the fucking worst.
Its such an easy thing to fix online too. Put in a captcha at checkout at least just for big ticket items. And add a limit per shipping address on top for good measure.
I ship Bucky and Bucky’s vibranium arm.
“*Well as long as it’s not quite disturbing in context such as the continued common “ship” in the Harry Potter fandom where Hermione is commonly paired with Draco, the one who called her subhuman repeatedly, in a Dom-Sub relationship which obviously takes on even more sinister undertones when Hermione is depicted as a…
He probably could’ve phrased it better, but I agree with the underlying sentiment 100%. It’s absurd that every male friendship gets distorted into a potential gay relationship, even when there’s no evidence beyond the relationship being just a male friendship. Happens with female friendships, too (see, e.g.,…
I’m not him (that you know of), but in re: your question:
Well, I mean it can be a little odd to ship characters played by real people. I feel like that aspect tends to get lost on the hardcore (and I mean that in both the enthusiasm and...methods) shippers. These are still people playing a character and seeing themselves in compromising positions, gay, straight, or…
I’m honestly surprised Forza Horizon was the most anticipated game considering racing is typically a more niche genre (despite the Horizon line being the more accessible side of the series).
Still, winning all those eyeballs didn’t translate into accolades for Nintendo.
7 games? Pretty much any game my sons pick up to play against me will qualify as kicking the shit out of your dad games.