
Kemono Friends is fucking cursed, man. 

Not universally. My friends and I use it as “Acknowledged. I have seen this message but have nothing more to contribute to it.”

The only worthwhile NFL games were Tecmo Super Bowl and NFL Blitz.

All I’m hearing is “NFL Blitz 2026 confirmed!”

“Even as states are slowly reopening...”

Just assholes, man. And they’ll do it, because they know people will pay it. And if people don’t pay it in advance, they’ll just covertly sell them at cost or just above on the night of.

I’d call using bots to buy up inventory before end users get an opportunity specifically for the purpose of price gouging “unscrupulous,” yes.

They’re taking advantage of a global pandemic to gouge a couple bucks out of people who are just trying to bring themselves or their kids a little bit of fun distraction during an incredibly trying time. They are doing nothing that provides even minor benefit to anyone but themselves. Sounds pretty unscrupulous to me.

it is my opinion that scalpers are fucking trash. They’re professional middlemen, and most seem to equate that with actual talent or intelligence.

Just to reiterate, scalpers can go fuck themselves.

That’s very true. We certainly are not a true free market economy. And neither is.....checks notes.....any other country.

I seriously dislike when people try to justify scalping as “sUpPlY aNd DeMaNd”.

Except of course for the fact that the US doesn’t exactly function like a true free market economy... Mixed at best.

“Unscrupulous” is a matter of perspective. I don’t care to have the debate.

I feel like saying this person is “dying on this hill” is just being hyperbolic though or intentionally misrepresenting their argument. Someone bringing up their concerns in a particular subject is not a statement of said subject being the only thing that matters.

Also the idea that privacy is almost non-existent in

I bet it cost more than ten cents

This game fucking needs some dlc.

You have to embrace the sheer randomness and fuckery that happens in Mario Party. It’s really the only way to enjoy it.

Last I saw this was a pretty significant seller for Nintendo. Why does it get passed over completely for DLC when their other big entries get loads of content? An extra board or two would be highly welcome.

I wish Nintendo implemented a good online mode for Mario Party.