
You must be fun at parties.

I went from League to Dota 2, though I had (very) mild experience with Dota 1. In general, League is a little more defined in its pacing—there’s a much clearer lane phase that shifts into a teamfighting phase and the lategame. Matches average out to be shorter, abilities have lower cooldowns and mana costs.

Ew, screw that. (After mission ranking.) All that would do is introduce more toxicity. We don’t need to turn MonHun into THAT kind of multiplayer experience.

I don’t think new players are concerned with their kill times so long as they don’t fail the quest. World also has a pretty detailed tutorial this time. Lots of hand holding. I would like the report thing at the end though. Destiny 2 does it.

Requisite comment: I love reading about Eve, but god damn I never want to play it.

Join us. These sands are cold, but Khajiit feels the warmth of your presence.

Basically, “because that’s how it is in Japan!”

Which can explain a LOT of game-related decisions.

You are the misinformed one if you think teachers reading from textbooks at students is an effective form of teaching.

Your level of ignorance is truly stunning.

Please tell me you’re not a teacher. You’re right that teachers don’t run experiments all the time. However, even at young ages, reading the textbook to kids is less effective than activity-based learning, which can include experiments and experiential learning. Hell, even worksheets are better than reading the

Only quote that really means something is Austin 3:16.

Well, all of those books have citations. I’d be a hell of a lot more likely to believe the Bible was true if the Hindus or someone dropped in to say “No, that magic stuff about Jesus definitely happened...”

It sounds like you had some really bad teachers if they just gave you quotes for your entire learning experiance.

That is my new favorite quote, “If Jesus doesn’t want me to play Zelda, then I guess I don’t need Jesus anymore.”

Unless things have changed significantly in that regard in the past 13 or so years, I’m quite familiar already.

I went to school and had teachers. They didn’t shout quotes from books at me until I accepted it. They actually explained the subject and provided experiments with which to test the information. The only time I had quotes from a book repeated at me ad infinitum trying to get me to accept it were the 2 years I attended

There’s three things that could be going on.

They love hating people more than they love Jesus.


Not that there’s anything wrong with being religious, but these assmouths don’t even know what they’re protesting.