Baffles me when people say that about games.
Baffles me when people say that about games.
Raises fist to punch. Then sees, "(please don't hurt me!)"
Trysts. Young lovers. Parents who want to get away. “Love Hotels” offer short stays and some truly off-the-wall…
These people were like fuck English class, I'm getting on the internet.
I disagree almost completely. Making him do community service or talk to schools about being careful what you say online implies that what's happening to him is in some way justified (excessive yes, but still justified). It implies that he has done something wrong. For him to be punished in any way by the justice…
FFVIII was bad. That's why it doesn't get the same attention. It was the only FF game that I couldn't sit through. It was dry, the characters were boring, the junction system just made the game annoying, and it looks like gargled ass.
Really people? REALLY? GameFreak makes an awesome sword Pokemon, SWORD POKEMON, and it still isn't good enough for you? Geez...
Search your heart, you know it to be true!
HelixSnake, mostly famous for his amazing Skate 3 compilations, recently switched his attention back to Grand Theft…
Takayuki Takeya is one of Japan's most talented—and unusual figure sculptors. His work is sometimes dark and even…
This is Naruto from, well, Naruto. The iconic manga and anime character has been recreated in a Japanese rice paddy.
This is proof that the gaming community is one big unpleasable fanbase. The main reason that JonTron left IS BECAUSE HIS FANS WANTED HIM TO FOCUS ON JONTRON VIDEOS. Or, at least it was a contributing reason. And now the fans are upset, why? Because no matter what anyone does, if they're popular, people will be…
Here's Hanako Games' Long Live The Queen, which looks a lot like the Princess Maker games. In it, you guide a…
A Fairy can kill Dragons.
Ice Spikes would be the nuclear alternative. Fairy type can be killed, or worked around. Ice Spikes would do to some Dragons (Dragonite, Salamence, Flygon) what Stealth Rock does to Charizard.
Or we could just watch the Rite of Spring again, because it has dinosaurs.
Not just reading...
I believe the problem with Sarkeesian's work (now that it's being published, mind) is less with its subject (and there should -never- have been an issue with investigating sexism in games; it's practically a support structure, it's so damned intrinsic to most games) than it is with the quality of her research and her…
There aren't a lot of situations where I feel the death penalty is appropriate, but this is one of them.