
everything should have a night mode. I’m biased because 15+ years of working night shift has turned me into a vampire but it really is way less of an eye strain then black text on a white background

yeah but watching new anime on Netflix has always sucked because they don’t do simulcasting in the US. If it’s an original or they get the rights to an older show it’s fine because it’s a batch release but when they grab something new you’ve gotta wait months before you can watch it. At that point it’s just easier to

The thing is some of these people packed up their whole lives and moved great distances just to be able to work there. Some of them might even love what they work on, but hate the management/culture. Quitting your job is the easy way out. Trying to make it a better place to work for everyone is the long term goal.

Now, sure, but not when the game came out.Which is when I played it. I’m not playing through the Legendary edition I’m talking about memories of my original playthrough. It’s entirely possible they released balance patches and stuff that changed the game after I beat it or that they rebalanced stuff for the Legendary

It does not. I definitely leveled and used it off and on but I didn’t notice it that much in practice (or maybe I took the wrong upgrades for it? I eventually stopped using it and used warp or armor piercing ammo instead I think). I noticed it more on the SMG so maybe ammo power effects work better in automatic

I play Infiltrator. The main issue I had were the boss type enemies. Especially the Banshees. They soak way too much damage.

I forget if I had warp ammo or armor piercing but either way I always had trouble dealing with barriers. Armor was easier for me but after I got about half way through the game it felt like they

That gun is the best! It feel like you’re shooting an anti-tank rifle or something.

Hell yeah! Infiltrator is the best

I actually hated the combat in three more. It felt like enemies got a lot more bullet spongy. I had way more ammo issues as a result.

For me 2 will always be the best game.

Next time you play ME2 try infiltrator. They get a few seconds of bullet time when you aim with your sniper scope. It feels really good to pop out of cover, nail your shot, then get back right before the storm of bullets hit you. It’s extremely satisfying. The stealth power is really nice as well, you just pop it and

yeah, I was the only person in my friend group who saved them. The rest let them die because they thought they were jerks.

Infiltrator all the way. I tried playing Vanguard and adept because I never really used biotic powers, but I didn’t like vanguard’s gimmick (and it’s really bad in the first game) and adept basically got me stuck with a pistol only which kinda sucked.

I like the pistols, especially the heavy ones in later games, but I

If they put in actual multiplayer modes for 3+ people then they can do whatever they want. Until then I just can’t touch this game. My group doesn’t do one on one duels, we’ve always been more into big groups or weird formats like two headed giant and chaos magic.

The wish cards ( ) were basically the conjure mechanic. They limited it more for tournament play by making them sideboard only cards but in casual wish cards experience. We never banned them but it was a sort of unspoken rule to not play them since it meant one guy was

My friends played City of Heroes and joined this super group and made all these friends in game. I joined them a few years later after most of the group had stopped playing but there was this one guy who stuck around still. He was younger than us, but he was pretty active so we ended up playing with him a lot. At some

If only the Lizardmen made it to space....

I could never get into it. My friends and I loved playing Dawn of War multiplayer matches but the multiplayer in DoW 2 was pretty bad. I didn’t like the focus on a small squad of units instead of big armies either. It was too much micro for me. I also missed the vehicles/huge monster units too.

Amen. I like Tyranids so this is perking my interest a bit but so many 40k games are just space marine games. They’re the least interesting thing in 40k too.

I’d like more fantasy warhammer but at least Total War warhammer is a thing. Bloodbowl was silly but I kinda liked it. It’s a shame that Mordheim game kinda

I think that’s because the scarcity has driven the demand way higher than it would have been. I know people who bought PS5s because they had a chance to do it, not because they actually wanted one right now. They were afraid that later, when they actually wanted to upgrade to the new gen, they wouldn’t be able to.

you say that but they’re still selling them where I live. The PS5 is the only thing out of stock around here