That is...just...I need a minute here to process this...
That is...just...I need a minute here to process this...
And that is why these kind of social groupings/movements/whatever fail. Your weakest members dictate the way the rest of the world perceives you. Aka if one person in the group acts like a jackass it makes you all look like jackasses. It’s unfortunate, but true, and it’s something that’s harder to fix the larger the…
Guess I slept through the worst of that. My internet activities are working completely fine. Now if youtube had been down, then I would have been pissed.
A lot of those JRPGs have started trickling down into steam lately. I don’t know why, but I’m not complaining. There are some Vita releases that kick major ass too (like Muramasa Rebirth).
I bought my PS3 to play jrpgs, but a lot of the ones I was interested in were also on Vita, got a remake for the PS4, or are being…
Damn it. I’ve rewatched this like four times and it always gets me. Well played animators. You’ve made me feel things.
I tend to always root for the Zerg players, but Nerchio is actually awesome. One of my favorite players for sure.
I’m not crying...
A non Korean wins the KeSPA cup for the first time and now a huge chunk of the competitive scene implodes?
Get your tin foil hats on guys, I smell a conspiracy.
In City of Heroes some missions had pseudo cutscenes like these and people would do shit like this all the time.
Near the end of the game they introduced Trials you could run for endgame stuff and in the Lambda Sector Trial there was a scene where Marauder would show up and monologue for a bit. People would run off…
Sounds like you’d enjoy The Strange Log on twitter. Their tweets are nothing but patch notes taken out of context. So each tweet is something along the lines of:
I was so sad when I heard about that game getting the axe. The concept was exactly what I wanted.
The Hachikuji thing never really bothered me. I think it’s because, in my mind, she stopped being a little kid right after the end of her initial introduction.
**spoilers ahead**
She’s got the body of a child but she’s been dead for years (there’s probably a trope for this somewhere). She’s actually older than Araragi…
People get defensive when people’s opinions and tastes don’t match their own. When strangers start telling you that something you like is stupid/wrong/bad/flawed/etc of course you get offended.
I agree with most of what you say, but I don’t think anyone was saying “lets change anime Y so it is more like anime X so everyone can enjoy this”.
Instead it’s more of a “let’s talk about what we don’t like in anime Y in the hopes that someone will make an anime Z every now and then in addition to the X&Y we get each…
I think it can. A show can be salacious and engage your brain as well. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
You’re also free to enjoy a show or game for your own reasons. Enjoying Bayonetta because you think she’s sexy doesn’t undermine the value of the game at all.
The same goes for KLK. If you enjoyed the skimpy…
Now you’re giving me a Seven Samurai vibe.
I still want to see more of the bad side of Star Wars. By bad, I mean criminal stuff. Space criminal stuff. I’m kinda tired of everything being just dark side vs light side or empire vs rebels.
It’d be kinda cool to get a movie set in the star wars universe that wasn’t just about light sabers and the rebellion.
The only good thing about the minimap is that you can use it to try and judge offroad shortcuts. Sometimes they don’t work, but sometimes the gps makes you take the most roundabout way to get there because it’s following driving logic.
“Give me the ult”
My sides XD