
McCann had more screen presence as the 'Yarp' guy from Hot Fuzz than all of Courtney's roles added together.

I struggled to hold it together on my work commute during their bits about Punisher renting a jetski and Nick Cage's long winded charade to justify renting softcore porn.

Except that there was no great desire on the British public for this referendum. Cameron didn't propose the referendum because he was genuinely interested in the public's opinion about the EU. He did it prior to the last general election in order to quieten euro-sceptics within the Tory party & to garner votes from

The 'minor quibble' of the characters persisting in the pub crawl long past the point when they discover what's going on in the town is a big flaw. It makes the film feel very repetitive. Go to pub - drink - have fight scene - run to the next pub, rinse & repeat.

Yeah, I felt this was definitely the weakest of the trilogy. I watched Shaun the other night on tv and it still makes me laugh out loud. I can't see World's End doing that on repeat viewings. The film was waaaay too predictable and repetitive . In a weird way it reminded me of Dark Knight Rises - it was made purely to

I'd love to see him perform Nevermore live but it's unlikely to make its way over to this side of the Atlantic. Still there's recent news of a film adaptation in the works at least.

The chemistry between the 3 guys on the Flop House is a big part of why I enjoy it so much. I listen to HDTGM and it is entertaining but rarely laugh out loud like TFH (or more accurately trying to stifle silent tears of laughter on my commute to work).

I thought that RZ completely missed the point of what made Myers frightening in the original - one night a seemingly normal kid from an average home picks up a kitchen knife and carves up his sister.

I thought that RZ completely missed the point of what made Myers frightening in the original - one night a seemingly normal kid from an average home picks up a kitchen knife and carves up his sister.