Mr. Plastics powered by GreyGoose

hey, its a helluva lot better than the C-HR. I don’t know why Toyota still thinks people in the US want funky Scion designs for their affordable small vehicles. I would welcome this over the C-HR in a heartbeat.

“We can store these right next to our toilet paper stash!”

Do you have a better plan Erik Shilling, or are you just going to be snarky, dismissive, and insulting and then do absolutely nothing to back it up?

His comment was reasonable and made in good faith and deserves better than your response.

Move out of state?

I’m 100% with you. The irony here is that many of these same dealers and states who are getting screwed by needing a “wet signature” and struggling to sell cars in this environment are the exact organizations/states who fought Tesla’s dealer/distribution model tooth and nail. To them I say: Adapt or die. Fighting

I bought a Gen2 volt in 2016 for that exact reason.  Dipping my toe in the world of electrics.   The range of Model3 wasn’t known at the time, and I needed something that could do the 250-300 miles to visit family.   I have about 80k miles on mine so far with no issues. It’s not the fastest, but it’s paid for and with

Assuming the battery situation is as good as the rest of the car appears, NP. 6kk for what appears to be a rust-free, clean, and very efficient DD with 150k is pretty good. Offer 5.5k, split the difference, and stop paying for gas during your commute to work.

If we commuted to work, that is.

Warning: There are spoilers below for last night’s episode of The Walking Dead

I made a we good?

Wow, it is back. I’ll have to decide if I want to read anything or avoid going back because fuck Jim Spanfeller. Just because he stopped fucking a pig long enough to realize that killing off a high traffic site was a stupid idea doesn’t mean he deserves a reward. 

Extra note to those same panic buyers: STOP BUYING BABY WIPES IN PLACE OF TOILET PAPER!!

This is great advice for when I buy my Lamborghini later this year.

So am I the last person who always types y-0-u?

I've expected for a while to see Mitsubishi and Toast in the same headline.

I think you’re framing this irresponsibly. It’s more like he got the job, was like hey something’s up, talked to the correct authorities and got the company to fix it, and now that it’s obviously awkward he’s going to go get a new job. 

It’s not often that the creator of something is wrong about his own creation.

My thought exactly. The Volt has still yet to be surpassed by anything from other manufacturers. Honda clarity: 48mi, prius plug in: 25mi. Volt: 53mi. Sure its only 5mi more, but its also over 10% more than the clarity and it debuted in 2016. Unfortunately in a time of low gas prices, the volt doesn’t save you a

Right? A co-worker just got a 2016 Volt and loves the shit out of it.

The Bolt and Volt have been mediocre