Im on mobile haha!
Im on mobile haha!
i think Thought Catalog is the biggest troll of them all! But NY Times can be a close second.
Anyone who disses Naomi better check their lipstick before they talk about her!
Oooh look more pedantic!
No van
Daryl Hannah once ate at my families restaurant! Its more surprising because it was in a small town in Canada. And she's not really a celeb anymore. but whatever. DONT TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME. SPLASH RULES.!
Well theres gluten in spelt, and imo gf bread is disgusting. I like earth balance, but not to big a fan of replication cheeses.
Mostly. I was born with gastroschisis, so that resulted in parts of my intestine being taken out, so I can't digest things as well. I would be vegetarian anyways, but gd sometimes I break and eat it, which results in pain. ITS NOT MY CHOICE HEAR ME. I WANT CHEESE SO BAD.
I love you and I hate you. I want to read all your posts, but being a gf vegan you also make ME WANT TO DIE AND EAT EVERYTHING CHEESE AND LITTLE DEBBIE FOODS EVER THANKS SO MUCH OKAY BYE.
I agree with you here that it is not the "greenest" option. Although I believe that it does help reduce chemicals in the foods, it is just as bad, or worse, for the soil than non-organic.
....Jack in the box did this years ago....
Do you think he knows how sexy he is? Like when he's filming this does he know that his voice will make everyone pregnant. Curious.