Grey as the day is long

In America...the politically correct thing to do is shut up and pretend we live in a post-racial world. You think you’re not being politcally corrct, Bret? You think you’re making some sort of noble stand against the majority of people? BULLSHIT! You’re being politically correct, you’re advocating the status quo, the

I think that’s a big part of where the disagreement is - scope.

I want to think, in some way, that was the meta-commentary in this move — Chris Rock turning the joke around on the people who claim they’re all for diversity in Hollywood without actually thinking about what that means.

I just bought this dress on sale for 70 down from 240. It completely washes me out in person. Now I’m freaking out because the event I got it to wear it to is coming up in 3 weeks and I hate returning things. Sorry this pic is so huge.

Finally we can give Republican men the ability to carry out their dreams of carrying all the fetuses to term. I can’t wait! I want this to be a requirement for every man who is anti-abortion.

Good psychics are rare.

It is very much the absurd sort of humor favored by the 16-22 age range. Its popularity pretty much relies on the shared experience of boys who take their white shoes very seriously, and enjoyment in the idea of fucking with someone by recording what shoes they wear every day. (Both things only high schoolers and

Has Joe Scarborough really been kissing Trumpbutt?

There’s an earlier one in that series called The Odyssey about a dude on a Mediterranean cruise.

The same guy that wrote that one also wrote another one, Animal Farm. It’s about some smart pigs. Sorta like Charlotte’s Web without the spider.