I bet they could actually get Vin Diesel. Maybe they can have a sniper kill him halfway through the game or something...
I bet they could actually get Vin Diesel. Maybe they can have a sniper kill him halfway through the game or something...
I would make that an immediate buy if the whole game was narrated by Tom Hanks. Knowing his love for WWII history, I doubt he would be that hard to convince.
So much hype around the Dodge Demon and yet this Nissan Maxima is clearly a hell of a drag racer.
Someone call Kevin Bacon, Atlanta is going to need his help.
NICE! I forgot about the space whales.
Once again, the “Simpsons did it first” rule applies.
A couple of months back I was at Disneyland with my family. As I entered the Tomorrowland section of the park, I paused to read the plaque quoting Walt Disney as saying that Tomorrowland “provides a glimpse into the future of humanity.” The next thing that happened was that two armored Stormtroopers carrying huge…
The truth is that CA doesn’t have a water problem, they have a storage problem. And with the recent crisis averted, CA politicians will ignore the needed infrastructure needed to support the population that doubled since the last projects were completed. They’ll just kick that can down the road a few years and waste…
Oh I know how this ends.
Motherfuckers, they are gonna stop production and then turn around and announce Snes classic aren’t they? Maintain the hype of the Nes and move that momentum to the next product. It’s a cold calculated business move.
To one up the US, Russia should drop their “Father of all Bombs” bomb on ISIS next week. I mean, no harm done right, its just ISIS.
It would be nice if we could move away from demonizing inanimate objects and teach our children how to handle firearms safely even if we personally dislike them.
I grew up in the country and learned how to handle guns at a young age. It was simply no big deal. Also always had very strict rules about toy guys ... always had to handle them like a real gun and of course was never allowed to point them at people. Having used the guns on various targets and…
Wait, SWAT took this realistically enough to shoot a man who supposedly was going to murder innocents, but used rubber bullets when they raided his home? I don’t know how I feel about this without knowing their effectiveness. It could(?) cut down on casualties during raids, and I’m thankful they did it here. Still…
What does the gold have to do with lucky ? This man owns tanks, no luckier man exists
In what universe is this not just a done-deal massive cash settlement for the poor sap they just dragged off the flight? Even if united had contractual authority to remove passengers for this reason, doing so BY FORCE seems like it’s just making someone a millionaire overnight...
Does this mean the car is totaled?
Someone cross-post this to Jezebel where they seem to believe that women never, ever, ever do this.