
The Watcher is literally a plot point from TOS, which I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you venerate.

In the new “actually canon” Trek books he was first officer to Picard and then Captain of the Enterprise once Picard went admiral.

TOS is the one Trek I don’t like either. I’ve loved all the rest though, even Enterprise once it found its footing.

Star Trek hasn’t exactly played perfect with science over the years. I think anything vaguely unrealistic about this can be easily waved away with “it’s a giant unknown anomaly from an insanely advanced species”.

Really? it’s in the title.

- They did a hell of a number on my expectations this episode. I figured in a finale anyone can die or be left behind, so between Detmer, Book, Tilly, and Vance I was shocked none of them actually bit it. I was nervous!

Is this marketed as a rom-com? My impression from the trailer (apart from one eye-gazing moment near the end) is that Sprouse’s character is gay. Between the abs thing at the beginning, and the way he played off the captain’s visit, it seems like they’re going to be besties kinda? That would almost make it more

Was it actively bothering you without you even watching it?

They didn’t detect Omega, just the substance that can create it.

It’s a damned if they do, damned if they don’t situation. If they don’t include stuff like this, people have accused the writers of not having respect for the franchise, having no prior knowledge of the other series, not being “Trek” enough. When they do, people complain it’s from the bad episodes, it’s too much, or

How exactly was it dumb and pointless? I’ve always loved The Omega Directive.

This show was much better as a MacFarlane-esque comedy. When it does the “homage” to Trek it’s just literally Trek; for 3/4 of the episodes I can find you a 1:1 comparison to an episode of TNG/DS9/VOY. I get it’s basically comfort food for the folk who don’t like Disco, but it just seems super fan-filmy.

The book was ok. I found it intriguing but pretty slow. Was it really only 20 years later in the book? I thought it was closer to 100 (it’s been a few years since I’ve read it). I’m guessing they’ll totally ditch the Star Trek: Voyager reference that runs through the book, which was honestly my favorite part.

This is fantastic news. Fringe is my all-time favorite, and Torv gained a fan for life from it. I’m kind of bummed she got this particular character, depending on how they adapt the show though.

According to Voyager, southern California was sunk after an earthquake in the 2030s. I doubt they’re intending the poster to be canonical, his vineyards weren’t shaped in a Starfleet delta in the first season either.

That’s LA my friend!

I adored this episode and everything in it. This show took my curious hype and has increased it exponentially each week.

If you watch with audio descriptions on, it says “the version of Pietro from the X-Men films” when talking about him. It’s him, somehow.

Yes we do. If you turn on audio description, when she opens the door it says “the version of Pietro from the X-Men films”.

**Book Spoilers Discussed**