
I can’t believe how exacting they’re translating this season from book to screen; it’s nearly word for word. That is beyond impressive, and this cast pulls it off and then some.

I agree. I know it’s not very kosher to say, but I liked the MCU Quicksilver better. I hope he comes back somehow.

I would definitely be down with both of them appearing! That would be a cool way to set up the Doctor Strange multiverse shenanigans. BUT, she did talk about brother having been dead and that wasn’t during a reality break, so it seems like he’s dead even in her universe? Or maybe she’ll fix that now that it’s brought

I think whenever we switch over to a SWORD/Monica POV we’ll see it all happen again. There’s trailer shots of her using her powers to fix the wall of their house, and of her getting ready to yeet someone, so I’m sure that’ll be happening eventually.

Yeah that’s what I thought as well. I’m just worried that when she snaps out of it he’ll disappear. Although that would make the kids disappear too, and I don’t think Marvel is brutal enough to give her children and then rip them away.

Yeah, that was what I was trying to clumsily say at 3am. :p It doesn’t seem like it would malevolent on her part, just something unconscious.

This episode was spectacular. The way they combine the absurdity and cheesiness of sitcoms with the dread and seriousness of an MCU production is incredible. There’s no way it should work, but it does, and very well.

It’s not RIGHT, but I’d say her book reaction is pretty human. She’s deeply ashamed and traumatized about her past, and even though she has a new family and loves someone, she’s not ready to dump all that baggage on them and answer the jillion questions Holden would have.

I just finished my re-read of this book the other day, how was she worse in it? It was almost the same, except Holden knew about Filip in the show but not the book.

I’m pretty sure it was Xahean, like Tilly’s queen friend.

I’m so emotional. :(  That ending almost made me forget how I felt about everything else. Almost.

I’m as hardcore canon nerd as they come, and they made a mistake with this. It’s cool, but putting it in a specific place in time locks them out of so much content that would be awesome. With the absolute plethora of shows coming out, they need to just make it a world instead of a specific time.

I’m just rolling with it now, I’ve lost all ability/care to figure out wtf direction we’re going.

My head is gonna pop.

Hades or Tushima should have won, easily. I can see a few technical awards for TLOU2, but it was not worth this breathless admiration it’s getting. It definitely should have gotten the music award though!

I really couldn’t care less for the Bad Batch, I was annoyed they took up so much time in the last season of Clone Wars. I’ll watch it because it’s Star Wars, but I’ll whine about it unless we get some really cool new-Empire stuff in it.

The actual evidence would be the cast from both previous Spider-man franchises returning and Dr. Strange being in the movie when his next is titled “in the Multiverse of Madness”. There’s almost no other reason I could think for for any of that otherwise.

The absolute backflips you’re doing in every comment trying to convince yourself there won’t be a multiverse involved is hilarious. Pull up a chair man, there’s like 6 pieces of evidence it will vs. 0 that it won’t.

I would definitely not be opposed to a new one at all, but I think the way they’re being so mysterious about it is building anticipation towards an old familiar one.

They’re gaffi sticks! The Tusken Raiders use them. We saw one using it as a toothpick for a bantha earlier this season I believe.