
I know I can respec, but does respeccing let me choose my specialization again? I didn't think so, because I'm moved points around since then.

I know I can respec, but does respeccing let me choose my specialization again? I didn't think so, because I'm moved points around since then.

I know I can respec, but does respeccing let me choose my specialization again? I didn't think so, because I'm moved points around since then.

I'm actually bummed I picked Knight-Enchanter, it's not very fun. I think I would have had a better time as a Rift Mage. They should have thrown in a way to re-specialize.

This is fantastic. I wish you could get an inside look at some of these companies, and figure out when/how/why the idea happens, and when/how/why it passes approval all the way up. Kickstart that or something.

I have a feeling she made it way back when, she's talking in the past tense.

I know it's kind of dumb and defeats the purpose, but a physical Hearthstone game would be pretty fun. It should be specially made though, coming in a box like the menu animation, and having a unique system for the tokens. Maybe small screens? Again, I guess that would be a bit redundant, but it'd still be cool.

I hate/don't like/use the 3D function, so I would love a 2DS, but they're ugly as hell. I wish they folded! They seem cumbersome as they are.

Based on the history of Final Fantasy, I'd say this is the exception more than the rule. If his original idea included your party being a bro-fest, why should he change it? I'm sure Final Fantasy XVI and XVII will have plenty of females back in the action.

She has an arc on Once Upon a Time this season also.

I still find it weird that a 76% is perceived as "mediocre". People are up in arms when games don't get 9s or 10s, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with a mid 70s. It's when you get way lower...30s, 40s, start finding some sketch. I think the first 30% will always vary according to taste, especially

No Peach upskirt? How am I supposed to pretend I'm 13 and pausing for the first time all over again? STOP OPPRESSING ME NINTENDO

I hope we get some awesome ones. I saw the NES XL, and I was so sad it wasn't a "new" one. I need a "new" one to replace my Mario and Luigi one!

I generally despise endless runners, but I've been having a good time with this. The jokes aren't too painful, the art is awesome, and the web-swinging is fairly intuitive.

I was just thinking about this earlier today, when i read somewhere that's it rumored you can use the 3DS as a controller for the Wii U version. When it gets tense I know I squeeze a little harder than I should, and I have yeti hands, so I don't want to crumple up my handheld. Wonder how the "New" 3DS will fare.

So wait, are the majority of the videos "solos" with the girls, and girl/girl then?

$126 for a Sailor Moon wallet? What's it made out of, spun gold?

So is "he" actually dangling inside that, or is he...uh...holding it up himself?

Holy pastels. I wonder if the US packaging will look similar.