
Dang it, I just had this thing calibrated.

You must have used your ability to get paid for writing wordy articles that say “Parenting is hard?!? Who knew?!?”

Here’s hoping you use all your smarts when your kid is born, you and your family will need it.

Maybe this is the break between white and black? I was raised to Obey the cops, not ask for a damn lawyer. IF they detain you, you post bail and sue after. Your only owed a lawyer once you are accused of a crime and arrested. So if the cops decide you are resisting arrest, or you try and run, they are not going to

So...the father didn’t what country he was in when the child was conceived? Good thing you’re around to make excuses for him...

Yeah, I don’t buy the “just wait for the old racists to die off” argument. Old racists breed and raise young racists.

Stating the obvious is now trolling? How convenient for you and MajorBurn...

I’m Black. I’m from The Woodlands, TX. I’m 37 now, and spent about 25 years in that area, and still live close by. Despite being a predominantly white town, I’ve experienced very few instances of this type of overt racism, and never (thankfully) encountered violent racist rhetoric. Racism exists everywhere at some

As the father of a black boy, I’m not sure how you didn’t know what you were getting yourself into when you and the kid’s mom decided to have unprotected sex.

The only thing that matters here is the union contract. Frankly, I don’t understand why anyone bothers to discuss anything else.

Quarter million.

“How dare he say I’m bad on women’s issues because I wanted them to be unnecessarily penetrated by a medical device and infantilized because I’m some sort of of fetus-worshiper, when HE listens to hip-hop (probably). Let me read some 2 Live Crew lyrics..”

Happy Columbus day in our great nation!

As a Taurus, from NJ, I am with you.

So much anger. Damn that rap music.

I will give people the shirt off my back...but..I will also throw lighter fluid on it & set it on fire, while they’re wearing it...if they mess w/me or anyone I care for.

I still can’t for the life of me figure out why everyone’s scared of me?! I’m such a nice & docile person.....

Hey! I sent her a very nice Denzel Washington story this week! We live in a fucked up world. The news is fucked up. I didn’t make it this

It’s because you send Breanna emails that all essentially say “Look at this fucked up shit” and then she writes about it. And it’s always the most fucked up shit!

I get tired of the “white women voted against their interest” bit. They voted for their interest. They voted for white supremacy.