I got sad about his death and facepalm'ed at the media.
They should redesign the whole system while they are at it, ze PS3 is BIG as hell.
Hang in there 360! ;_;
@(俗・ ) Grey Gecko: *Snake
Will we see Solid Sake as a guest character?
@Bigfoot: But...but imagine it was Ultra Marty O'Brien Brothers, or Marty O'Brien Party! it would be awesome!
Mario - Marty O'Brien
@wild homes has particularly attractive fries today: Isn't it? ;)
Sorry, all my wardrobe says John McNormalguy, my shirts are plain as everything I wear and hardly use accessories.
@StephenTotilo: Thanks, and don't worry, fanboyism is strong but Kotakuites have a hivemind =)
Now we need a DS and a PSP d:
@Ramistat: I can't think of any beam suitable for Crecente, not to mention that Crecente man sounds redundant.
It doesn't get any better than this!
@chuffhoncho: I'm SURPRISED they didn't mention Half-Life instead -.-
Jesus Christ and Buddha!! Look at that haircut! That's a crime all by itself!
@idkmybffgreg: He could also use Windows Live Search (the search that pays you back) to find a copy of Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit and relax while shooting Kamehamehas.
@DugDawg: I'm already overexcited with the fact that I will be able to burn Locust and other shit to death...I don't know if my brain can take it seeing it in action, but I'll give it a try.
waitwaitwait...is that a freakin' flamethrower?!?!
@Marios_shadow: AFAIK It's going for the Wii, but not for the DS, so Nintendo got it wrong.