War without bloodshed it's not war! }=(
War without bloodshed it's not war! }=(
Oooookkaaay.... .-.
We need one that includes different VG characters!
Oh lawd! that's full of lulz!
I (heart) the daily show!
@(俗・ ) Grey Gecko: *they
I just can't believe it's really coming out...
Geez, is Hollywood that desperate for money?
God I hope it's Banjo!
Wii companion cube for sick kids?
@Antiterra: I gonna try that; the problem comes when there are no loading screens or cut-scenes, then I will have to pause the game every 9 seconds to see if I'm not running into a bottom-less pit...
I always put all my fries INSIDE my burger then proceed to ate it all without drinking any soda so I...can't tell how to apply it to gaming =S
@The_nub_next_door: What else can we ask for? :D
Oh man that's mean...But were is the Spoony Bard?
I bet it was Coors Light, right Mr. Crecente?
Football armor set, anyone?
Oh my...they are just...beatiful *-*
He already got his present in SSBB d:
@(俗・ ) Grey Gecko: MONSTER HUNTER