Grey Fox

I’m pretty sure all of the new Nickelodeon movies are coming to Netflix.

So you’re just making your own canon now? Because in every single comic I’ve ever read that has Deadpool and Taskmaster fight, Taskmaster has a shitty time because of Deadpools nonsense.

Seems like the MCU isn't for you. Feel bad for ya. 

As I said on another article,Taskmaster better not fucking die. Deadpool vs Taskmaster must happen at some point.

I’m willing to bet you said this exact same nonsense when Marvel announced Guardians of the Galaxy.

Is it's really Taskmaster he better not fucking die in this movie. I want to see Taskmaster fight Deadpool in live action at some point. 

It’s an homage you fool. And McFarland would be the first to say that. DS9 was good but it wasn’t nearly as good as TNG. It was just so much better than Voyager that people have very fond nostalgia of it.

It’s the best “Star Trek” since Next Generation.

You’re right. It’s better. 

Holy. Shit.

It's a shame D&D were too scared to face the crowd. I’m sure their first Star Wars panel is gonna so super well.

You won't see it added. Promo credits don't show up like gift cards. They just apply automatically to purchases sold by Amazon. 

You won't see it added. Promo credits don't show up like gift cards. They just apply automatically to purchases sold

Toy stores were so great in the 90s. One of my best birthday memories of all time was going into KB Toys with my mom and being told I got to pick whatever toy I wanted. I got some badass G.I. Joe vehicle set. 

This is fucking horrifying. It’s going to bomb hard.

Wrong. The worst mainstream controller ever is the N64. Always was and always will be trash. 

I’d be all about trying to get through this again if it was going to the PC Gamepass. 


I agree 1000000%. Offset thumbsticks are way more comfortable. 

Because it’s not ergonomic. It’s why the Xbox One controller is so much better than a Dualshock. Side by side sticks suck and the only reason Sony hasn’t changed them is nostalgia. 

They will start to drop Tuesday I bet.