This episode was horrible. To be fair, true crime does absolutely nothing for me, but this was a boring and SUPER predictable episode. I knew what was gonna happen the second they got done finding out about the crime.
This episode was horrible. To be fair, true crime does absolutely nothing for me, but this was a boring and SUPER predictable episode. I knew what was gonna happen the second they got done finding out about the crime.
Why do we care about a pedophiles automotive commercials?
But this is not a painting hanging on the wall, this is ON HIS BODY. So my point still stands, Randy owns his own body.
This is stupid. I am all about artists getting the credit that they deserve but if Randy was ok with his body being in the game that should be the end of it.
But they don’t and AIB cards are always better than Founders.
The Founders are always the worst cooled and have the lowest OC out of the box. They also almost NEVER OC better than top AIB cards unless you put them on water. Then they can sometimes out perform the AIB cards. Usually not though.
Ok Sony, Microsoft will give you 10 more years for a port of Spider-Man 2.
Years ago the dev of this game was giving keys out on reddit and I missed it by a day and said I was sad in the thread. Not a minute later he sent me a key. Fun game and the dev seems nice.
No, you’re wrong. To put out this drivel on a gaming website is insane. There is a huge problem with what 343 is trying to pull here and to say otherwise is deserving of a fuck you.
I have a counter to this.
That was 1000000% Kraven and I am fucking here for it.
I put together an absolute fuckton of Gunpla and I panel line and apply decals. I could NEVER paint one to look this good and I doubt you could either. So in closing, shut the fuck up.
I’ve been in literally every single flight Halo has had. Up until this one that is. So I’m pretty upset about that. Especially seeing a bunch of people that have never been in a flight get in.
It can’t be worse than what we’ve had the last few years. At the very least they are trying to address the issues we have been having and that’s more than I expected. Also, the cars look fucking amazing... Except the Camry. Especially from the side.
For $600 you could easily build your own and run MAME/Windows. Instead it’s $600 and then paying for all the games you probably already own somewhere else and then when the service goes under you’re SOL.
For $600 you could easily build your own and run MAME/Windows. Instead it’s $600 and then paying for all the games…
so $16 for a rock? Fuck off out of here with this trash.
so $16 for a rock? Fuck off out of here with this trash.
Nintendo is a trash company and more people should start to realize that.
You tested two games and each console won once. Then you say the PS5 is faster. Ok?
My GF and I tried to play SnipperClips. It was not a good idea.