Grey Fox

It wasn't deleted. 

I'm so glad I was a beta tester on the OG Xbox Live. Grey Fox is a pretty sweet gamer tag to have. I cant even remember my PSN ID. I'll figure it out when the PS5 comes out I guess. 

Have you watched The Orville? 

I love posts like this, but it would be much better if you added what these could be used for in real world applications. 

Nice try, but it’s not internet law. It’s the law law.

If it was delivered to his house and was addressed to him he's not only going to have 2 awesome TV's, he's also going to have a really nice settlement from the police for wrongful arrest. 

Well the gear vr doesn’t even remotely compare to actual VR headsets. I don’t think VR has a killer app, but you can’t compare the two kinds of headsets. 

They are still around and still kicking ass.

It’s been his nickname since he was a baby. Why does it bother you?

This is Ikaruga hard. Holy hell I’m not as good as these as I used to be in my younger days.

Why so many forced perspective shots? I wish there was an accurate representation of its size somewhere in this article. 

You don’t know about the cat, do you...?

Should have added a second stick and made it USB compatible. 

Its literally in the article you apparently took the time to comment on but not read. 

I’d love to play these on the Switch. Baldurs Gate 2 is one of the best games of all time.

Hold the fuck up. There are no "sound weapons." That's some bullshit from lynchs movie. 

I’m coming up on two years without a cigarette thanks to vaping.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection would like a word...

16gb of HBM2 means jack shit for gamers. 

I wish we could get more Fringe. Such a good show.