
The gum is Horrible!!! I know it’s MTV but have some self respect!!

The least he could have done was got the matching hat made out of the feathers. What’s another 10k?

How could I have lived my life differently so that strangers would conjecture, mockingly, what kind of 15,000 ostrich coat I bought.

I do get that it’s a play on words after reading about the album title. Just wondering if anyone else keeps reading this title as,”Niki Minaj serves Prawns” and feels disappointed about the intimate dinner that could have been. 

People who judge parents and children who breastfeed into toddlerhood are creepy and need to stop. I promise you the creepiness lives inside you and not the breastfeeding mother and toddler. That being said, yes , toddlers who breastfeed usually limit to naptime rituals. If a toddler is at a wedding ceremony,

I think she was canceled and is now in syndication. 

Except her PR response, those words actually don’t mean anything. Welll... actually her original statement doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense either BUT THE INTENT was obviously an attempt to degrade women who speak out. 

MAYBE this whole poor Lance Bass has the worst week of his life : looses Brady bid (writing that out made me kinda angry, I admit) thing is all a PUBLICITY Stunt for this HGTV show and we are all pawns. Exasperated MOAN!

His appearance is not registering on my list of gripes compared to his list of actual offenses. Yet this look he has , this look of the moment, I also dislike it—mostly because it hints at being fun loving but actually seems to express hatefulness. Like the Joker, basically.

But you have to give him credit for not allowing a lot of his boys to take advantage of her the way that he did. *runs away vomiting *

What does the author suggest the percentage of one’s net worth that should be spent on baby gift to an aquaintance be equal to so it would not be deemed insulting in any court? I feel like the cost of a “casual evening out” seems fine or even generous of an expenditure. It’s not a charity or a competition—-it’s a gift

Ive recently been told getting a loan in your 70s is near impossible. For a car or otherwise—you better have cash.

When I worked at a fancy celeb frequenting hotel/lounge my bosses would be pretty angry if I didn’t treat celebrities with we know who you are and we’ll give you the best table &white glove attitude. Without being fan level excited. Which is genuinely hard if you actually don’t know who they are...Danny Bonaduce we

I don’t think dalmation’s blindness should be grouped in with African American’s having higher rates of diabetes. The diabetes link is complicated and may be heavily influenced by rates of obesity and the gene isnt proven (probably is one but still). Sickle cell anemia would have been a better example for a clear

Wow, I actually thought this was a personal shortcoming of mine. To not be able to clean everything myself.

I agree there are books in context that shed more light on the actual experience of historical characters. “New Shoes” by Susan Lyn Meyer is one I can recommend from my library that has put racial discrimination in context for my daughter , while being upsetting , it wasn’t frightening. We can envoke the empathy that

I accept that and agree that’s probably what most people feel, if they’re not awed or intimidated by a tall person then they think (sometimes out loud) : he /she / they didn’t seem that tall. Let’s face it, any woman over six foot always seems THAT tall... maybe?

My husband is 6’ 8” and whenever people tell him “you don’t seem that tall” (maybe because he’s small waisted?) I think he takes it as a little backhanded— so what is it with people commenting on how tall people “seem “ as opposed to their actual height? I think it’s a quirky human behavior. But I’m fine with it.

My daughter was gifted these “rebel girls” books and really enjoys reading the stories at bedtime. That being said, she’s five and I think im 2-3 years she’ll want something more involved. I think at her age they spark her imagination and the lack of context may not be a big problem as that will be filled in hopefully

It takes two years for a woman to replenish herself to provide optimally for a new pregnancy. Breastfeeding can be helpful with this spacing (in my experience IUDs are even better) . So why do my doctors keeps laughing at me in disbelief when I tell them I’m still breastfeeding my 2 year old?