Cool story
Cool story
Unfortunately she would have to show damages, and since those pigs ran away squealing before that could happen (praise Satan), it doesn’t seem like there would be any claim to be made in court.
Your puzzlement over Arya’s stealth immediately brought to mind something from the Wheel of Time series - Gray Men. After selling their souls to the Dark One they gained an unnatural ability to avoid detection. One could be standing in the same room as you, walking towards you, and your eyes would simply glide over…
Well it seems as if the latter has taken up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Which makes sense, because the old museum that Jeff Bezos bought in D.C. would make a great evil lair
Hahahaha I was just trying to think of some disgusting concoction but you beat me with the real thing! It might just be my irish blood talking but I don’t understand anyone who drinks anything other than neat liquor or high ABV beer
Is that what they’re calling hawaiian punch and jim beam these days?
what even is this
real facts
That body language says everything
Watch me!
The thought of having skellytor as a mother sent chills down my spine and is prompting a reevaluation of the resentment I carry towards my own.
Anyone who has as much time as you to waste in kinja comments must obviously be a morbidly obese neckbeard suckling at the government teat. Get outta here you welfare weeb
Don’t engage with this welfare-queen. Anyone who has this much time to waste in kinja comments must obviously be a morbidly obese neckbeard suckling at the government teat.
It’s probably because I’ve been listening to chapo’s back catalog nonstop but I really thought the article’s title was a pun on Megan McArdle’s name. It doesn’t help that I’d fail to pick out Loughlin from a lineup of skinny brunettes
Just kill them and worry about constitutional rights later *if* their family decides to sue based on the right technicality! Then we’ll see what’s cheaper
Too many to count!
I can't tell you how many Nebraskans I've heard saying some version of "Well it's their fault for living so close to X" in regards to just about any natural disaster
Oh look it's the Chelsea Clinton of Jezebel commenters
Where do I find the betting pool on how soon and in what fashion this loser will be offed?