I’m playing Slitherine’s Panzer Corps 2 at the moment and loving almost every minute of it. It’s one of the best…
I’m playing Slitherine’s Panzer Corps 2 at the moment and loving almost every minute of it. It’s one of the best…
Somebody should make Tomb Raider. Just the other way around:
He gets 4 more years. [facepalm]
imagine serving in the military and then marrying an ADULT who is genuinely upset enough by one line of a video game review to leave a several paragraph long comment on it. Joshua has served in the military just as much as you have dude
lol stop stealing valor from your wife you dork.
The first thing I saw was the Star Fleet logo.
Everyone first thought that said “porn”, right?
Y’know, we don’t get products unless companies do R&D. Giving up on hydrogen now just because electric cars are meeting with some market success would be foolish. There are a lot of advantages to hydrogen, and we won’t know what technology is best unless we keep developing them all. Hydrogen may be great for some…
Will Smith had a fit because he wasn’t the main character and his son who can’t act wasn’t allowed a part. Will Smith has become a douche and if he is going to throw a fit then the movie is better of without him.
I expected it to be amazing and it was. I’ve waited 20 years for this and it looks awesome! Of course there’s going to be people who shit on it because no ones using a lightsaber and there are no X-Wings.
Keep your guns oiled and your ammo dry, because anyone interested in freedom is going to need them in the relatively near future. The UN is not going to dictate what kind of car I can drive.
Or, you could just not have kids you cannot afford.
You’re making this look like America’s dumbest generation. Millennials living up to their reputation. Complaining about how good they have it. Fucking best education on the planet, opening doors of opportunity 99.999% of humans that have ever existed couldn’t dream of, and this is what they do with it: Whine?!?
Excellent. Now if they would just nerf Sunbreakers.
Oh give me a fucking break.
see, i always felt that message was largely insincere ass covering. “hey we are going to make a game series that will really be offensive of your faith if you are catholic, so here is where we tell you its ok before plowing into you.” its the “i am not racist but” of game narrative. one would hope any work environment…
wasd is for chumps
And I find it hilarious that he removed it from the article without a peep
“...even if you hate America, like many humans on planet Earth.”