I was raised by a Christian narcissist that only played midwestern folk music. I was barely allowed to watch TV.
I was raised by a Christian narcissist that only played midwestern folk music. I was barely allowed to watch TV.
Too late to edit my previous comment, sorry for a second notification lol.
He was about to take a shower, so no Apple Watch makes sense.
Man, I know it would totally ruin everything, but I would pay good money to watch Duarte voiced like Mr. Krabs.
The lack of respect Aos gets is heartbreaking. Easily the best marvel show other than Daredevil and Jessica Jones season 1. On a quarter of the budget and with no access to big characters while maintaining 22 episode seasons.
And as much as the officiating has been a shit-show at times, it’s still loads better than it was when Bernie Ecclestone was running things. Now they explain their decisions, and the reasoning behind them. I don’t always agree, but it’s so much better than just receiving “A Decision” that doesn’t make any sense, and…
Disregarding professional ethics is no LARPing matter.
Goats are sturdy, domesticated mammals kept for meat, milk, and wool in several parts of the world.
I do know that Alec Baldwin 100% did not give that girl a real cigarette.
“I just don’t understand why people like these books” said GregTheStopSign as he Jack Reacher-ed for another.
I am pretty sure he definitely doesn’t rape anyone, the character seems to have escaped the blue-colar James Bond similarities in that area at least. But yes it’s purely ludicrous wish fulfillment and it’s very good at it. Lee Child is a fantastic pulp writer imo, everything is very clipped and pacey and all the fight…
She’s of the Connecticut Jerkstores.
David Baddiel is undoubtedly an erudite, funny man, and his point is well made. However, his reputation for me is never going to recover from the season of ‘Taskmaster’ he appeared on, where we got to watch him have a complete mental breakdown in real time.
For that matter what kind of man pretends to be other people for a living at 40? Time to get a real job, Seth.
“It’s also worth pointing out that McConaughey’s specific political beliefs are still… kind of vague.”
Came for the obligatory “Pee Wee Masturbation” joke... Definitely a happy ending to my search.
I heard all he did was put Clarence Carter’s “Strokin’” on repeat.
If you're going to Diss pizza dog we are going to have a problem
I also wear a bullet-proof vest every time I do karaoke. I don’t know what it is about my rendition of ‘Sweet Child of Mine’ that always sends people into a murderous rage.
“Whither art thou, Miley Cyrus?”