Go say "I'm a REAL boy!"
Go say "I'm a REAL boy!"
Oh bless. It thinks it can argue like people. how sweet!
I think we're ignoring the bigger issue here.
I'm a pro discriminator too. Got sponsors and everything!
And it's with that discriminatory authority that I can proclaim you as being a fuckwit.
Hahahaha. What a whiny little bitch.
I liked it. Great cinematography and all that but what I mostly took away from this film was the neat little subtext that people should stop being so bloody precious about 'spoilers!'
"Give me all your money! I've got a soccer ball!"
"Shit, Ian, that's a Spalding, he's serious!"
Personally, I'd rather have less of them blowing shit up and if it means that I've got to bite my tongue over a few awkward truths, I'd say that's a fair sacrifice because the alternative is to go all-in heavy-handed 'zero tolerance' style and start locking up every 'potential extremist' which given we're not mind…
Fascinating fact: 'Mao' is thai for 'drunk'
Only Nixon could go to China.
The same can be said for any puppet government installed by an occupying power. It's like saying the French were an Axis power.
The Swede's might look a bit sheepish if you start saying that around them but I wouldn't recommend you do so with any Norwegians. They were Allies, they were invaded by the Nazis, their resistance fighters severely dented their atomic weapons program by blowing shit up Skiing-Ninja style and they get a bit feisty…
Who? Lorde? She seem's quite cool tbh although she does sing like she has marbles in her mouth.
I never thought I'd find myself in the audience for a Rhianna show but there I was just a couple of years ago when she played as part of the post-race entertainment at the Singapore Grand Prix.
I loved another of his recent outbursts. He was speaking out about an Australian Government cull of the millions of feral cats that are decimating the native wildlife here. Moz likened it to killing 'two million smaller versions of Cecil the Lion' presumably in an effort to engender public support.
Because if there's anything we need it's more disillusioned islamic kids with a persecution complex.
and in the case of Blood Dragon, flip them 'the bird' with your robot hand!
Thanks to Trump's antics I think that's the only play House of Cards has left.
Ask yourself. Who would benefit most from a warmer planet?
And Miley Cyrus