
Or Far Cry Primal and Far Cry Blood Dragon.

Americans aren't the only people who buy games.
After the flag-waving, macho bollocks of Ghost Recon Wildlands, American Sniper and the like, I'm all for something a bit different.

Isn't SWORD a Joss Whedon creation? Makes sense they'd get in on the action at some point - particularly if it's likely to be the final season

They're all lies. But they're entertaining lies and in the end, isn't that the real truth?

How does the budget on AoS compare to that of something like 'The Expanse' or 'Battlestar Galactica'? Is cable sci-fi cheaper or more expensive than a network show? Could they move the filming to Canada and outsource the CGI?

Ward is impossible to kill off. It'll be him and the roaches left come the apocalypse

Assassins Creed

If anything we're being too lenient on him. Snitches get stitches!

I reckon its a pretty canny move by the producers. They've obviously got no money for casting and likely no money for marketing either yet here we are piling on the outrage and generating exposure for a film that normally would be straight to DVD.

Kahlua sounds a lot more Hawaiian than it does Mexican so let's just pretend it's that.

Jeff Lynne was a monster. Now that he's dead it's only a matter of time before his personal Saville stories get revealed

Inspirational stuff there! Looks like today's going to be Martini Monday.

Michelle Yeoh has a very brief cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy and still looks hot!

I forget there are two kinds of RPG

Jesus. I thought Canada was supposed to be the responsible one and you've got people running around with rocket-launchers!?

Mogwai recently did the soundtrack (and performed it live at screenigs) for a documentary on nuclear weapons and disasters called 'Atomic'.

Isn't he CEO of Monsanto?

I got a lagered-up British tourist island and Greek-Turkish political sore-point notification for this!?

I think cold-blooded reptiles would be all for an increase in planet temperature which, when you think about it is a pretty good angle for the scientific community and MSM to take when dealing with climate-change denying, Infowars listening fuckwits,

Holy Shit. Mary Kay. MK.