
My Manny really likes them.
(Manny is the guy who sells me my pornography)

Nothing says edgy like a Coldplay collaboration!

Lap dancing bars just wouldn't be the same without it!

They're called Trainspotters and they have been hanging around DJ booths trying to catch a glimpse of the label on the record / track-title on the laptop since the halcyon days of Acid House.

Unless your the parent of an existing young boy, I don't think you need to worry about Milo

To be fair, other than the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, what has the renaissance done for us lately?

He had better be on a tiny bicycle.

It's not art until someone sticks a traffic cone on it's head.

Jose Canseco's twitter feed is pretty bonkers. Like Charlie Sheen level of batshit. That video explains a lot.

By all accounts Miss Of Arc from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure was pretty badass.

The movie clearly establishes that there are other dimensions so I like to think that was indeed alt-universe Carol and she went total 'Ash from Evil Dead' on the monsters after leaving the store.

You might also want to ask why there is currently a ban on hand-carried laptops, iPads etc. from flights originating from some of the biggest international hub airports (and therefore home to some of United/AA/Delta etc's biggest competitors) under the guise of 'security' when it's blatantly obvious that such a

Has all that time spent cooped up and mistreated at the hands of airlines given you Stockholm Syndrome? You do realise that this sort of treatment - and habitual overbooking - is not the norm in air travel globally. I fly an absolute shiteload both domestically and internationally (Platinum Frequent Flyer with Qantas)

I don't care for Deena

If acid-house, 90's rave culture and the soundtracks to movies such as Hackers, Trainspotting, Pi. The Saint, The Jackal and Spawn are anything to go by, I think the world and electronica/techno/edm were already well acquainted

I've lost count of the amount of times I've been in the theater and the only other person there is Paul Reubens.

If the Kardashians are doing soft drink ads can we at least get them to do Red Bull ones? Preferably without them having completed any of the necessary training beforehand.

Aka poor man's Tesco

Speaking of which, I'm just away to watch The Americans. Starring a Welshman.

I can see Samuel L Jackson's point. He'd spent years, decades even, as a struggling actor and whilst he's comfortable now it must be a bit disconcerting to be on set in an American production about Americans and have 3/4 of your fellow cast members be either British or Australian.