
Should Leicester have sacked Claudio Ranieri?

Assassination humour? Is that like "I hope Franz Ferdinand never play 'Take Me Out' when Gavrilo Princip is in the audience!" ?

Both seasons of Spaced were brilliant.

He was obviously not man enough to take on Blue Thunder

There seems to be driving in this one, so there's at least one big difference.

Its a slow burner and is a lot more grounded than Banshee but it has the same intensity and there are flashes of the same inventive brilliance when it comes to set-pieces.

I'll recommend Quarry then as (like Hap and Leonard) you won't find any coverage or reviews of it on here. (AVClub management please note this passive-aggressive dig at your declining standards)

Yeah. Replying to someone's comment on iOS is a struggle at best. It was working briefly earlier but it's back to throwing me to the top of the page and not letting me see what I'm writing.

Hey this might appeal to the more 'casual' reader but there are a dozen sites that better service the casual reader by reporting their news quicker or provide reviews of a greater variety of TV shows.

How in the hell do you make Disqus worse!? I didn't think it was possible but somehow those crazy bastards have managed it!

Plus at least 3 recurring roles in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

The climbing is a bit annoying and very inconsistent. It appears she can't use her arms unless someone throws yellow paint over whatever she's trying to grab onto, however I do love the fact that her legs will find purchase with all manner of rocky cliff face - I've lost count of the amount of times in other OW games

I think it's spread across a couple of states but condensed for obvious reasons. The landscape around Canyonlands and Arches National Parks in Utah are well represented.

I'm trying to get into Witcher 3 but the combat system is giving me the shits. I hate all that hogwarts casting spells shit. Why can't I just block and parry and cut c***s limb's off? Especially the pricks who are hurling abuse at me at the first Tavern you visit. If this was Skyrim the mouthy fat shits would be

Hell, I've done a similar journey through multiple ecosystems in just a few hours on a bicycle. The Whole Enchilada mountain bike trail in Moab UT starts up at the distinctly alpine snowline in the La Salle mountains and finishes on the very arid banks of the Colorado River. Proper Road-Runner / Wile E Coyote

Not an excavation permit in sight neither!

I'm quite fond of Trumpdontcare as nickname for the replacement act


Children's BBC did this 20+years ago and it's still the pinnacle of all Robin Hood based media.

I did find it amusing that the only time I ever noticed any prominent product placement (Sony phone, Dodge Ram pickup) it was to show the items as being useless.