

Whilst I don't deny the possibility of there being enough idiots voting for him to grant him a 2nd term nor the possibility of many more impeachable acts surfacing yet going uninvestigated/unprosecuted, there remains the fact that Trump is 70 years old, seriously overweight, noticeably bad at handling stress and he

I will never get bored of punching people, throwing them in the trunk of their car and then driving it off a pier.

I dunno. Trump is doing a pretty good job as an example of just how bad shit can go when you put someone completely unqualified and totally inexperienced in a position that's the highest achievable in a particular field.

Unfortunately none hold a candle to the tales of Commander Sam Vimes and the fine Men and Women and Dwarves, Vampires, Ghouls, Trolls etc. of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch

With its Christmas setting, wisecracking white guy/straight talking black guy partnership and finale shootout in a container port, Iron Man 3 was pretty much a full Shane Black bingo scorecard

*Australia runs into the closet whilst New Zealand attempts to hide behind the curtains*

At the end of the day his very existence is an affront to every career politician out there - someone who can waltz in off the street with no experience and having made no sacrifices for the party and still wind up with the top job.

He was the glue that held The Force Awakens together! Well, him and the young Glaswegian bloke who was clearly given a part in that scene as a part of a court-mandated Young Offender rehabilitation programme

He did a marvellous job running the USFL into the ground despite not being in the league's management so anything's possible.

How dare you mistake me for a South Australian. I've a good mind to murder you and then bury you in a shallow grave.

I find the animosity tends to be one-sided. Most Sydney-siders will happily say they have no problem with Melbourne.

Aargh. How could I forget that!

Wait. I got a Peter Mullan notification for this!?

Admittedly they do love their opera in Sydney. It's incredibly cultured!

I forgot to add 'also populated by wankers'

It is and then some. Melbournians have a particularly large chip on their shoulder about Sydney as it gets to be the face of Australia and is often mistaken as the nations capital despite it in reality being an overpriced, gridlocked shithole run by draconian puritans.

Unfortunately if he's got 4 years of unchecked power I think he is going to persuade enough companies to move back into the US to be able to claim a measure of success in the most important issue of his campaign.

Given the Galaxy's reputation I think you should be encouraged to take your device in with you. Can you also take this bottle of barbecue propane in with you too?

It affects not just British nationals but nationals of any Western democracy as the emboldening of the far right, abandonment of standard political discourse and blatant disregard for the truth, the media and popular opinion etc is proving to be inspirational to gormless fuckwits the world over, be they UKIP