
Unfortunately, that took invasion from both the East and the West, massive firebombing of cities, a 40 year split in the country famously enforced by a sniper infested wall, and the total subjugation of one half of the country under a secret police who made the previous mob (the gestapo) look like mall cops.

She may have singled out Football and MMA but it sounded like she was having a dig at professional sports in general which is a bit rich considering how much great art over the years has been inspired by people running around getting all sweaty and shit.

Pope John Paul 2 was quite well known as an accomplished goalkeeper prior to his career as a prophet smoocher of runway tarmac.

Loved the episodic format and the Home Alone inspired Christmas content but I did miss the pulpy grindhouse feel of Absolution. Also the Colorado mission was a complete waste of time.

Trump's only pissy because Native Americans are better at running casinos than he is.

Sweet! Can't wait

Trump Vs The Mail. Talk about a match made in heaven! I hope things get vicious

Essentials for the bar of any middle-aged lout:

Or you can juice them and add it to the margaritas!

Penne Alla Gin doesn't work quite as well unfortunately

Growing up with almost 4 decades-worth of the BBC's coverage of Formula One has sadly rendered any hearing of 'The Chain' incomplete unless there is the sound of screaming V8 engines in the background.

I dunno. The last time Glover made friends with an older iconic black sci-fi actor they both got kidnapped by pirates and so far it appears only Donald made it back.

Try this little red yellow pill

Irish people don't exist in Westeros I presume? I mean there's no identifiable need for Liam Cunningham to sound like he's from Middlesbrough but he puts the accent on anyway.

He's so dreamy…

I've seen this sentiment echoed a lot today "meh, but Muslim countries ban Israelis"
Yeah. And would you like to live in any of those Islamic countries?

I doubt theres any time of day or day the week when you could slip something as monuments as this through.
Friday is maybe a preferable day as it might delay any legal action a couple of days. Seeing as this has no bearing on security (other than increasing the likelihood of a terrorist act), was widely seen as a

or maybe it was just to screw with SNL

The thing is for the first month or so after the election Trump appeared to be slowly back-pedalling on his more extreme campaign promises - the Wall was never going to happen, Saying the Clintons are actually good people and there will be no investigation etc.
It as as if it was an appeal to get everyone else to if

I'm not crazy in thinking that this is maybe just the ultimate distraction am I? That such a drastic, inflammatory and unprecedented action was quickly rushed through to get the conversation away from inauguration numbers and popular votes?