
It can be two things: RDR, Fallout, Borderlands etc.

I think the MIB may be nothing more than a retro-gamer nerd because mazes suck.

Terminator 4 did a great job of it almost 10 years ago. Still a shit film mind you.

Yeah, I don't get it. I'd sooner give up on the whole debacle and refer to Wikipedia to clear up any plot points that still held my interest than waste time skipping shit essentially blindfolded and hoping it will leave me with a sense of understanding.

As soon as I saw Anthony Hopkins sitting at the dining table I immediately pictured Rob Brydon sitting in exactly that same position doing one of his many impressions of Hopkins in 'The Trip.' That then got me thinking, maybe Westworld could be a destination for future Steve Coogan and future Rob Brydon in a future

Yeah, I'm guessing they'd have to go with a subscription to cover the loss in ad revenues and at the same time, I can't really see the whackos, gamer-gaters and Milo fanboys tearing themselves away from the free interactive content on their PCs (oh and they are definitely PC owners) to pay for a service that's

His track record of high profile bankruptcies does scream 'idiot'

2016 Trump vs Clinton
2017 Trump vs Murdoch

No love for Dead Can Dance? Haunting stuff. Great music to soundtrack an apocalypse.

I definitely think he'll go for it as I don't think he's got any other choice. He's done a marvellous job of rubbishing his own brand over the last year and I doubt the loss of high-end business he'll experience at his resorts will be made up for by his largely blue-collar hardcore support.

Meh. I'm more concerned about the fact that he appears to be a short tempered, illiterate fuckwit whose track record in business veers from incompetent to downright criminal.

I'm with you there, It's definitely not my cup of tea but then neither is LARPing nor battlefield reenactments and whilst they're both very niche, their fans do seem to be dedicated enough to plow lots of both time and income into their hobby.

I know a couple who flew from Australia to the UK because they managed to get a reservation for dinner at The Fat Duck.

I think Robert Ford had been watching too much Dare Devil and became convinced his gritty storylines required more mystical ninja.

I'm still loving it and this was a solid episode but the giddy thrill i experienced when I saw Neil Marshall was directing, went sadly unrequited.

Kelly's fast becoming the coolest character on TV. I want to see her in a showdown against Rosa from Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

But Thailand's definitely got a reputation for being a little bit seedier and edgier than most places.

Depends on your comfort zone, sense of adventure etc. Plenty of families go on vacation to Thailand these days and its not exactly renowned for being Disneyworld.

If we're getting Cox back into cowboy costume, then we've got to get Ian McShane as well. It's only fair.

The MIB appears to have a long history with Dolores. When he traps her in the barn he certainly alluded as such.