
The spouse of a reigning queen is known as the Prince Consort or in Britains case he's known as 'Phil the Greek' or 'The old racist git'

Australias former Prime Minister Tony Abbott was an actual Rhodes scholar and he uttered publicly the phrase 'Suppository of wisdom', once got tricked into eating an onion raw, skin-on like an apple and tried to give the Queen's husband a Knighthood.
He also got removed from office 2 years into his first (and

Tres witty, my son. Tres witty

Stop throwing stones at Glass houses

They may be one and the same

Don't besmirchify Slumberyard.

Sham 69's 'Hurry up Harry' can only ever be listened to when getting ready for a night out otherwise it just sends me into fits of depression as I contemplate on what I am doing with my life and why I am not 'going down the pub'

I've tired of the election coverage so I now only watch Donald Trump with the volume down and 'Yakkity-Sax' playing in the background

Your username suggests otherwise

That's a little bit harsh. Having given it a little bit of thought I'd say most of the undecided's were people who were either going to vote for one of the two main candidates OR a 3rd party (or not at all).

Same. For candidates as divisive as Trump and Clinton, there seemed to be an awfully diverse group of people who were still undecided.

Gideon Malick had at least already held public office and could have been considered 'qualified' for the job, despite him being a evil zealot with ties to political assassinations.

That retort deserves a tip of the hat.

Voter privacy is one of the most important aspects of the whole process.

The speeches were leaked as a desperate measure to deflect attention from the Trump Tape*

Theres a bit of the Brexit factor at play. Working class voters who feel they have been fucked over for decades now are voting out of spite. They're already fucked and there's no sign of ANY leader or party being able to un-fuck them.

The problem is there is nothing in Trump's past that shows he is capable of such a gesture whereas there are mountains of evidence of him being brash, belligerent, egotistical, reckless and delusional.

I hope there's cake

I think most avid sex tourists would be off to Rome-World

The least visited park is the Sopranos-inspired Jerseyworld