
Just make sure you keep that Glock handy. Can never be too careful in a developed country with such a high violent crime rate

See, that's the thing. Growing up we got everything cultural fed to us by the US but now, it's more of an international smorgasbord. Everything we own is made in China. Most of our furnishings come from a Swedish company. The music I listen is generated by artists from across the globe and pretty much every quality US

Yup. You guys just aren't that big of a deal anymore. It's the 21st century. The Cold War is over. standards of living have shot up in most countries whilst remaining somewhat stagnant in the USA.

To be fair, even if you still insist on calling it a collection of essays it's really 1000 pages of dead cat pictures and there's a very limited market for that kind of thing.

I believe it was Guns n Roses bass player Michael 'Duff' McKagen who was enlightening us there

The UK has only had the National Health Service for around 70 years and it took them all the way into the 1970's before they elected a female Prime Minister. Every day is like V for Vendetta over there…

Putin's the good guy?

He did give Pepper Potts superpowers!

Martha is only known as a dupe to us the all-knowing FX-watching public. The Soviets could present her to their public as a lifelong fervent communist who personally eavesdropped on Reagan himself and the average Pravda reader wouldn't really know any different.

Little known fact, the Daily Show is also responsible for Sacha Baron Cohen and possibly Ricky Gervais.

Oooh! Get you Mr Hoighty-Toighty with your fancy ball.
I bet you think you're part of the 1%

hahahaha. Balls!

Alternative rock might have been dying in the States but it was kicking arse in the UK and would continue to do so till the end of the century.
Radiohead had yet to release OK Computer - an album that has regularly taken the top slot in numerous 'Best Album of' lists be it of the 90's, the last 25 years or All Time.

Mid budget films are still around. I watched Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy the other night. Brilliant film. Not what you'd call cheap either considering the lack of 'splosions.

Have you ever read women's magazines? They're pretty brutal!
Mens magazines are mostly concerned with fishing and 4x4s. We are fairly simple creatures and tend not to really notice - much less care- if a newsreader has worn the same dress two days in a row

Die Hard 2 followed pretty hot on the heels of Die Hard. It did nowhere near as well because it was shite.

Fox News loving racists* are into comics? I thought they just wrote some of them…

Looks like AVClub is going the way of Cracked as far as my browsing goes.

And every minute of every day they long to throw off those shackles

I can't personally speak for immigrants from developing countries but I'd imagine that the idea of minimum wage is quite alien to a lot of them - just having the opportunity to make any money and have a little bit of security would be a massive win. Minimum wage and other niceties we take for granted are like the